
Jan 11, 2013 15:50

Hi, internet.

It's been a crazy week and a half. I've been so frigging tired and busy and...tired. And not sleeping. And...idk, it's been awful. I know part of it is just ~*January as usual*~, but it still sucks. I'm trying to monitor myself pretty closely.


So, this is a thing that...idk, I guess I'm doing. As Avenue Q teaches us, doing things for other people makes us feel good, and I like feeling good and I also like...helping other people.

As most of you who care probably already know, Matt Fraction, writer of the current Hawkeye comic, is donating his earnings from the upcoming issue to Hurricane Sandy relief. The issue itself takes place during the storm and focuses on Clint and Kate weathering the storm, one in Jersey and one in NYC, and helping others through it. Obviously, it's a cause that means something to me and obviously I'm just going to weep openly while reading this--thanks a lot, Fraction, for two emotionally draining issues in a row, by the way.

But, the point is, I know a lot of you read comics and some of you maybe don't read Hawkeye (I didn't give a single shit about Hawkeye until this comic started and I only picked up issue one because Jesse and Grace were so emphatic that it was amazing) or maybe you don't have a comic shop near you, or maybe you're waiting for the trade, or maybe you're broke so you acquire your comics through ~*alternative means*~ or maybe you just don't look a gift horse in the mouth. So here is my thing: If you want a copy of this issue of Hawkeye, but don't have the means to get it, I will buy it for you.

Not like, "I buy it and you paypal me the money later," I mean I will straight up purchase the comic from my shop and bag and board it and send it to your house.

Even if we've never spoken or we're LJ friends but we've fallen out of touch or you're lurking but haven't added me. Go for it. Even if you've never read an issue of Hawkeye before, but you're intrigued.

I'm 100% serious about this. I've been thinking about it for a few days, and I can't come up with a reason not to do it. I don't know how many of you out there are interested, but if you are...comment and let me know? Or if you don't want to comment, email me at fourteenacross(at)gmail.com. Right now, I'm not putting a cap on it because I'm not expecting a level of interest that will exceed my disposable income for the week, but if that proves untrue, I'll adjust accordingly.

So...yes. We'll see what happens.


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