september's coming soon and i'm pining for the moon

Nov 13, 2012 16:29

Hi internet. It's...Tuesday, I think.

I'm sorry that I keep disappearing and breaking up the silence with fic. I just, as I think I've explained before, occasionally get into a rut where I convince myself that LJing is procrastinating from "real" writing and shove it to the side, when really it's healthy and helpful for me to write about the random crap in my life.

Uh, generally. I can't quite think of anything of note? Today was fake!Halloween! It was great. We ate rice krispie treats and cupcakes and I dressed like lady!Tony Stark and we talked about babies and Doug opened his birthday presents and we wrote a great birthday card for our former co-worker. (We'll skip the bit where I accidentally sent a private internal document to our VP, who probably thinks I'm a giant schmuck now.)

On Saturday, mcwonthelottery and I went to a cupcake party at mayatwai's house. There were many many cupcakes and also mulled wine. Randa made these cupcakes with red wine buttercream frosting and I think that frosting is all I want to eat for the rest of my life. There were lots of people there, including soundslikej and her lady, and I had the vague feeling that I should know all of them and that if some of you flisters had been there you would have known most of them, but I didn't catch and keep most people's names because I'm terrible at that. But everyone was super nice and fun and there was at least one other person who brought a shit ton of baking stuff, which made me feel like slightly less of a nerd. I split my time hovering over the snack table, terrified of social interaction, and baking creamsicle cupcakes with people. Successful overall, I think!

Afterwards I went to see littledust and we watched Arthur Christmas and it was JUST AS PERFECT AS WE REMEMBERED.

Like, seriously, I know you're probably all rolling your eyes thinking, "You're just saying that because McAvoy," but, guys, this movie is LEGITIMATELY GREAT. It is SO SMART and SO FUNNY and SO FUN and SO SWEET and the cast is amazing and the writers obviously put a lot of thought into what makes a good movie. They approach the Santa Claus mythos from a fresh angle and update it without making it feel dated, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, it's out on DVD in the US and the UK, now, and you should all go watch it.

But we watched that and it was fab and then we watched the behind the scenes featurette and if there are no gifs of McAvoy flailing like a loon while miming being thrown around a sleigh, the internet is FIRED. Also, we completely fell in love with the woman who plays Bryony and she is our new favorite person.


Other random stuff: My parents got their power back on Friday night. I ordered a dress for New Year's. I'm really excited to see liveonthesun for New Year's. I'm coping okay wrt mental health, which is something I really have to watch this time of year. We watched most of Weeds, which we were not emotionally invested in, but agree was the most ridiculous thing we've ever seen. We re-watched The Hour (well, sort of--I was super busy) in prep for the new season.

I slept a lot and did my laundry?

idk, there's a lot of work stuff I don't want to talk about right now, so we'll see how that shakes out?


The writing's been going okay. I really like the story I posted today with the sort of affection I don't normally have for my own stories. (That's not to say I ~*hate everything I write*~ or anything--I just normally regard my stories as, "That is a thing that I wrote and there are parts that I like and it's pretty okay!" Whereas this story just...I dunno, I'm just very pleased with it. I can't quite describe the difference. I frequently feel that way about my old dude stories, which leaves me torn between writing a million more of them and being totally afraid to write any more, lest I ruin the magic.)

I did have a hilarious freak-out over the title, which I changed like, four times. It's a misquote of the original song, but it's the lyric that Ingrid sings in the cover I was listening to while writing it, and it's the line that kept getting stuck in my head. After flipping back and forth and embarrassing number of times, I posted it with the original lyric, then went to lunch, then rushed back and edited to change it to the Ingrid version. I think Margaret thinks I should be institutionalized.

I have a Marvel ficlet to write for greeneyes73180, which is daunting as I've never really written 616 fic before? (Well, of the Avengers and related properties. I've written Runaways and possibly X-Men.) And continue to not actually read any Avengers comics (j/k, I read Avengers Academy, which is technically Avengers, I guess). So it might be some weird amalgamation of movieverse Tony and comicsverse Steve and Carol. Or maybe it'll just end up being Carol in daycare verse, because that seems to be my default with comics characters I've never written before.

(Haha, just kidding. I already know how Carol fits into daycare verse. She is the only human who really terrifies Erik Lehnsherr.)

ANYWAY, STAY TUNED FOR THAT EVENTUALLY. For now, it is almost time to go, so I'm going to spellcheck this and pack my shit and head home.

family stuff, work: office girl, arthur christmas, friends, writing: is hard, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, cupcakes, comics, mcavoy has a stupid goober face, kelsey gets a tag now, marvel

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