fake!nano: day 1

Nov 01, 2012 22:17

So, I'm not doing actualfax NaNo this year because I need to work on my big bang (apparently the first draft is due November 12? Even though posting doesn't start until January? Which I guess is a thing I should work on more. Even though I already have like, 10k.) and some other WsiP, but I am tracking my word count, because, what the hell? Everyone else is doing it and I want something to talk about so I seem like a cool kid. (Spoiler alert: I am not a cool kid.) I signed up at mini_nanowrimo for accountability, with a goal of like...250 words a day? So. We'll see how it goes.

ANYWAY. As with last year, momebie is posting picture prompts each day to get the juices flowing. I don't know that I'll be doing them every day, but I was at a block in my big bang, so I jumped on it and wrote a thing. I don't know that I'll post all the things here, but...we'll see.

The picture KL posted is here. To follow her prompts every day, here's the tag to track.

And here's my thing. Some kind of still-powered AU.


"We're up high," Erik says, and immediately feels foolish. Of course they're up high. They're on the roof of a skyscraper. He's not sure what else to say, though, suddenly awkward in a way he normally isn't around Charles. He shoves his hands in his pockets. He doesn't know why.

"We are," Charles says, ignoring the triteness of the statement. "I wanted us to be somewhere quiet."

Erik says nothing. He stares out at the water. It's not a particularly windy day, but so close to the water, with no building surrounding them to catch the wind, Erik feel like he might be blown away. He feels like he could fly over the buildings. He feels like he could fly out of this place.

He stops himself from grabbing onto Charles' hand to make sure that he doesn't attempt the same thing.

"What would you do," Charles asks, not looking at him, "if I kissed you?"

There are half a dozen answers that Erik could give, that he should give. Charles is the son of a wealthy politician, the poster boy for the new face of the mutant rights movement, the kind of movement that wants equal rights, sure, but not too quickly. Wouldn't want to upset anyone. Charles needs to stay clean and polished and above the board. Charles is casually arrogant and frustratingly naive and getting involved with Charles will mean all sorts of rules about what sorts of parties he can go to and what sorts of opinions he can have in public.

What Erik says is, "I think, if I jumped, I could fly."

Charles does look at him then, slowly. "What?" he asks.

"Between the wind and the metal of the buildings--I think I could pick out the right fields. I think I could fly above the city."

"What are you saying?" Charles asks. He sounds so tired, so confused, so desperate to understand, as if understanding Erik is the only thing that matters.

Come to think of it, it's not the first time Charles has sounded like that.

"I'm saying, don't jump without me," Erik says. And then he takes Charles by the hand and kisses him.

charles/erik, fic: 2012, nano, fic: xmfc

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