Holiday Fest Letters!

Oct 15, 2012 00:18

Dear Yultide Whatever,

(I don't want to presume to know about what holiday you celebrate/what holiday figure you relate to!)

Hi! Wow! Thanks for playing this year! I'm sure whatever you write me will be amazing and I will 100% appreciate it, because I love these fandoms a lot and would love to see anything you'd like to write about them!

I am pretty predictable in my likes, but also pretty easy going. I like happy things. I like heart-warming fluff. I love sarcasm and banter and wittiness. I love character development and full character arcs. I like characters who are best friends and act like it. I like madcap adventures and antics.

But all those things aside, angst has its place as well! It's okay to take something to a darker place if the story you have in mind calls for it. For Arthur Christmas and Pitch Perfect, I'd prefer NOT to go to that place, but as long as stories in those fandoms end happily, that's okay too. Clearly a Cabin in the Woods story isn't going to end happily and an Iowa story is going to be more wistful than anything else, and I acknowledge and expect that XD

The only dislikes are non-con, character death (in anything but Cabin in the Woods. Obviously there can be as much character death as you want in Cabin in the Woods), infidelity, and character bashing. PLEASE no character bashing. If you're writing a Pitch Perfect story and Beca hooks up with Chloe, please do not use that opportunity to degrade Jesse, who's pretty cool, for example.

While I don't mind straight-up porn, I'd prefer something a little more character-based for yuletide, except for Pitch Perfect. I'd still prefer something character-based for that one, but I would not be sad if it was just straight-up porn ;D

You can browse through my LJ or my AO3 archive to get a better idea of what I like in fic, but honestly? I'm pretty eclectic and as long as you don't purposely do something I hate (as outlined above), I'm sure I'll love what you write.

Arthur Christmas (2011)
Arthur (Arthur Christmas)

I love this movie SO MUCH and I love EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. It's so sweet and funny and sharp-witted and it left me feeling so joyful and warm after watching it. I'd love to see those elements in a fic. I'm not too fussed what it's about--maybe some adventures from Arthur's first year as Santa, maybe something a little sadder (but still hopeful and sweet!) about Arthur growing up awkward and enthusiastic in the shadow of the legacy of the Santas that came before. Just...Arthur being Arthur and being happy <3

I can't really think of much else to add! I don't ship anything in this movie. I do love the elves, though none of them were nominated for yuletide, but including them would not be remiss, especially Briony.

Pitch Perfect (2012)
Beca Chloe (Pitch Perfect) Jesse

I'd love any of the following: Beca/Chloe, Beca/Jesse, Beca/Chloe/Jesse, but please please please if you do Beca/Chloe, don't blow off Jesse, because he's awesome and deserves more than to be handwaved with a "Beca never REALLY liked dudes in general/Jesse in particular."

(Also, Fat Amy is amazing and anything that she shows up in would be A+++++)

Again, above pretty much covers it. Generally, when it comes to yuletide I prefer more character study type stuff, but with this one, I would be happy to get straight-up porn. Character study would be great, too! Beca coming to the decision to put off LA until after school! How do Chloe's vocal nodes make her redefine her life? How to Beca and Jesse actually navigate a relationship? How do Beca and Chloe navigate a relationship How do the three of them navigate a three-way relationship? Maybe they go on a roadtrip. Maybe everyone goes to karaoke! Any of these answers are good answers!

Cabin the Woods (2012)
I'm a HUGE horror movie buff, so any previous years' sacrifices that play on classic tropes would be amazing, especially with Hadley and Sitterson's running commentary.

I also find myself fascinated by how constructed the roles in the movie were. Dana, who was fucking her professor, could just as easily have decided to remove him from her mind by having a crazy weekend to forget, making her the whore. Jules, pre-med and in a committed relationship, could have been present in such a light that she was the virgin. Curt was on a full academic scholarship and Holden just transferred to play football, so they also could have easily switched roles. How would that have changed the outcome of the film? Would it have changed the outcome of the film?

Basically, I'm a crazy horror fan, and anything you can do that would play with into that would make me happy :)

I selected "All" for this and, seriously, any story in this universe would be great. I'd love a story that focused on Hadley and Sitterson, I'd love the switch I outlined above, but even if you want to delve more into the mythology or the creatures or anything, I'll be thrilled. I'm a huge, huge horror movie buff, so if you are too, feel free to make references to other franchises or include any of the classic tropes. Seriously, this was my favorite movie of 2012 and I love it because of the enormity of the mythology, so take any concept you want from it and run with it.

"Iowa" - Dar Williams
This song is very dear to me and anything you do with it will be amazing.

I realize now that that's a sort of vague request, but feel free to take it to mean whatever you'd like. "Iowa" was one of my Dar Williams bucket list songs, but now that she's put it into regular rotation in her set lists, I've been lucky enough to hear it live half a dozen times in the past eighteen months. (Um. I go to a lot of Dar Williams shows.) It's endlessly inspiring to me, and has kickstarted more than one fic-verse of mine. I think it's beautiful and filled with so many different threads of story (the narrator, her past, her lover, her friend whose husband left, etc), really anything inspired by this would be wonderful. Take a verse and write what moves you.

In general, YuletideWhatever, thank you so much for the effort you're about to put into my story. I know it's a busy time of year, and I appreciate that you're taking time out of your schedule to do this and to try and make me something I love.

I think I outlined everything pretty clearly above, but if you absolutely have a question about one of those fandoms, I'm drafting littledust into service as a point person. She can tell you my feelings on all of those things (and fake them on the one I don't know as well), as we're frequently screaming those feelings at each other in all caps.

eta 11-03-12: Also, I just realized that this year all of my requests are self-contained, so let me just say that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ALL OF THESE CANONS, and if you're stuck on the fandom we matched on, I would encourage you to watch/listen to the others and see if they're inspiring. Or just watch/listen to them for funsies, because they're AWESOME.

Good luck, YuletideWhatever! Happy writing!



Dear Secret Mutant,

Hello, kind stranger! Thank you for signing up for this exchange--no, seriously, thank you. I want this fandom to have nice things, including some cheer around the darkest days, and I appreciate that others feel similarly and are willing to volunteer your time and effort to make a present for someone in order to work towards that.

To start with, I'll love anything you do because I'm pretty easy. With the exception of the squicks that I'll list below, don't feel limited by my prompts. If something you see on my journal inspires you, or the gift itself takes you away from my original suggestion, please run with it! The prompts are there as suggestions, not a mandate. Anything with any of my favourite tropes will make me happy, even if it's not entirely in line with what I put on my sign-up.

I love family stories more than anything. I love team-as-family and the concept of found families. (If we're talking about their actual families, I like the twins well enough, but I LOVE Lorna.) I love fluffy romance, as long as the characters stay true to themselves. I especially like established relationship, but first time and introductions are good too. I like kidfic, I like humor, I like plotty team fic, I like introspective gen fic. I love AUs and fusions. I like it when the ladies are being their awesome selves.

Some other favorite tropes: pretend boyfriends, somnophilia, size kink, fuck or die, AUs (powered or non-powered), domesticity, BFFs acting like BFFs, competency, teamfic, huddling for warmth, boarding school AUs, school AUs in general, mutant politics, and...about a gazillion other things. Feel free to browse my AO3 and LJ and latch on to any other of the millions of tropes I love.

(I also like all of those things in art, obvs, though some are easier to capture than others! Also, if you feel inspired by any of the things I've written and want to illustrate a fic of mine, that is also 100% excellent and wonderful!)

mpreg, Omegaverse, non-con, the "misunderstanding" trope, character bashing, character death, dark!fic. Angst is okay, as long as everything ends happily. Happy endings (or at least ambiguously okay, like "they can't be together because of the beach divorce, but they're still in love and steal weekends together") are kind of a must.

Charles/Erik is my OTP in a really creepy, cult-like, drinking-the-kool-aid way. I don't like seeing them with other people (although I don't mind references to past relationships or them being with other people before they get together AS LONG AS THEY DON'T CHEAT ON THEIR OTHER PARTNERS.). Jealousy isn't my cup of tea. Other pairings I like: Alex/Armando, Raven/Angel, Raven/Hank, Raven/Irene, Moira/Nick Fury, Moira/Phil Coulson, Moira/Emma. The only pairing I really don't like at all is Hank/Alex.

Charles is my absolute favorite (even though I recognize he's a sanctimonious prick) and Erik and Moira are close seconds. I love Raven and Armando, too, and that rounds out my top characters. I'm also a comics fan and my heart belongs to the original five (and Ororo), so fitting in Jean, Scott, and Bobby (and Warren, to a lesser degree) or Ororo would make my day.

In general, I'm sure whatever you do will be awesome and wonderful and amazing. Please feel free to use the prompts as a jumping off point to do whatever you'd like! (Oh, but if you use the prompt where Alex works at the convenience store, maybe Erik is his jerk boss? :D? :D? :D?) If you absolutely need to ask someone if I'd like something, feel free to hit up littledust or pearl_o, who have dealt with me screaming about their perfect mutant faces quite a bit.

Have fun, Secret Mutant! :D


yuletide, secret_mutant

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