Dec 16, 2011 23:00
Leo: Listen up. Our ground game isn't working. If we want to walk into walls, I want us running into them full speed.
Josh: What are you saying?
Leo: Well, you can start by telling the Hill the President has named his nominees for the F.E.C. And we're gonna lose some of these battles, and we might even lose the White House, but
we're not gonna be threatened by issues. We're gonna put them front and center. We're gonna raise the level of public debate in this country, and let that be our legacy.
Bartlet: Why are you doing this? You are a player. You are bigger in the party than I am. Hoynes would probably make you national chairman. Leo, tell me this isn't one of the twelve steps.
Leo: That's what it is. Right after admitting that we are powerless over alcohol and a higher power can restore us to sanity. That's where you come in.
Bartlet: Leo....
Leo: Because I am tired of it. Year, after year, after year. Of having to choose between the lesser of Who Cares. Of trying to get myself excited over a candidate who can speak in complete sentences. Of setting the bar so low I can hardly look at it. They say a good man can't get elected president. I don't believe that. Do you?
Bartlet: And you think I'm that man?
Leo: Yes.
Bartlet: Doesn't it matter that I'm not as sure?
Leo: Nah. 'Act as if ye have faith and faith shall be given to you.' Put another way: 'Fake it until you make it.'
CJ: Okay, I think what we are going to do is I think we're going to wait until after the vote at 10:30 'cause if we don't win it would be a mistake for this picture to run tomorrow.
Leo: How big a mistake?
CJ: One from which certainly my job would have hung in the balance.
Leo: If the President's wearing a hat or that thing's wearing a Bartlet button, I'm hiding snakes in your car.
CJ: Come on. Don't say that, Not even to joke.
Leo: You're never going to know where they are, or if you got them all out. Going to lay their eggs right in the glove compartment.
john spencer,