"I don't care about [character everyone loves]." "::silent high-five::"

Sep 19, 2012 14:01

Hello, friends. How are you this morning?

I have to admit, I am usually the first person to switch over to a new version of something (fully cognizant that they will eventually force me over and it's best to resign myself to it as soon as possible), but I think the new LJ update page is going to take some getting used to. I don't mind most of the changes, but the expanding text box thing is going to drive me nuts, I can already tell.

Anyway. Lots of exciting things have been happening, like a Dar show and drunkfangrrlz and books and our internet coming back and watching TWW and writing stuff and how great my friends are and work being balls. I meant to do this whole post yesterday but then I got distracted by reading three boarding school AUs in a row, so...yes.

I hope you're well, internet. I've been having a thing lately where I'm really grateful for fandom and really filled with love and happiness that it exists, even more so than usual. Just thinking about it makes me really happy in the bubbly, hard to express way that leads to me wanting to hug all of you.

::hugs the internet::


So, this meme is going around. I'm sure you've all seen it. I resisted doing it because a) I've got a bunch of projects in the works that I really should be working on and b) I'm mono-fannish and almost mono-ship these days which would make it pretty boring. But. brilligspoons and I were talking about it at lunch (over beers because jfc this work project) and she kind of talked me into it?

So, I guess here we go. The following are a list of tropes. Please comment with one you'd like me to talk about and I will talk about a fic/write a snippet for you.

1. genderswap
2. bodyswap
3. drunk!fic
4. huddling for warmth
5. pretending to be married
6. secretly a virgin
7. amnesia
8. cross-dressing
9. forced to share a bed
10. truth or dare
11. historical AU
12. accidental-baby-acquisition
13. apocalypse fic
14. telepathy
15. high school / college

Caveats: I am pretty mono-fannish, mono-ship these days, but feel free to request a particular 'verse if you so desire (keeping in mind that some verses would make some of these less exciting, ie: pretending to be married daycare fic would barely be different from a regular daycare fic.). You can request other fandoms/ships and I'll give it a whirl, but I'll be less likely to write actual fic and more likely to talk about a fic with those. And, as always, a meme is not a contract and I'm not obligated to respond to all of them if I'm tired/busy/writer's blocked/anxious/uninspired. I will try, but please don't hold it against me if I don't get to it ♥

Anyway, work is slammed, so I'll get to these tonight/over the course of the week.


Cabin in the Woods shipped today and Amazon tells me I'll have it by the weekend. FINGERS CROSSED. I NEED TO WATCH IT FIVE HUNDRED TIMES IN THE NEAR FUTURE.

Also, I just realized that I went to the post office yesterday and forgot one of the things I needed to ship /o\ I also forgot to buy stamps. I was so proud of myself for making it over there, too. Dammit.

Also also, I am wearing a new dress today. It's royal blue with a red, blue, and white plaid trim. I am wearing a white cardigan and red heels. The first thing brilligspoons said when I showed her the outfit was, "You look like lady!Cap."

Also also also, Doug won't stop talking like a pirate.


Back to googling. See you folks later!

margaret, meme, rl blathering, work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, fandom

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