358 days until next year's con

Sep 04, 2012 17:58

Hi, internet. I'm home.


Con was super awesome this year. BEST CON EVER. I say that every year, but that's because it gets INCREMENTALLY BETTER EVERY YEAR. This year flew by, even more than it has in the past, though. I seriously can't believe that I'm already home, that con's already over, that it's all IN THE PAST when I swear I was just getting ready for it to start.

I'm very sad. I already miss all your faces :(

I didn't do a ton panel-wise and I only did one celebrity panel because most of the people I really wanted to see cancelled. But I saw Gillian Anderson and went to a couple panels and the Dr. Horrible sing-along and walked through the Walk of Fame and the Art Show and all that. Mostly, I spent a ton of time hanging out with people in their rooms, in the hotel bars, in the lounges at the Westin, in the Metro Cafe Diner, and in my room. It was pretty great!

The craziest day was Saturday. It was the XMFC dinner and we started drinking there, then went to Trader Vic's for Mai Tais, then went back to the room to pre-game the NC-17 fanfiction panel, then left the panel halfway through to have our own panel at the bar, then went to the diner until two thirty. It was insane. I was the most hungover I had ever been on Sunday morning (which, okay, I'd only ever been hungover once before), but I still made it to the Gillian Anderson panel the next morning. It was definitely the best night of con. ♥ ♥ ♥ to roomies pressdbtwnpages (GODDAMMIT, KELSEY, I NEVER GET IT RIGHT ON THE FIRST TRY) and chiasmus, liveonthesun and greeneyes73180, and second_batgirl.

I also hung out with count_to_seven, kel_reiley, and 51stcenturyfox on Thursday night (and, tragically, not again after that :() and had dinner with barbed_whispers and theemdash (momebie was there too, but at the bar while we were at a table), continued rooming with eldarwannabe, hung out with leiascully and coffeesuperhero at various time (but again, NOT ENOUGH), and met a ton of new people whose LJ names I don't know well enough to type off the top of my head yet. I did two costumes--lady!Charles on Saturday and lady!Tony for our Rule 63 Avengers group on Sunday. I CANNOT WAIT to see the pictures and I'll be sure to post them!

It was a great con, but, goddamn, why do they always go by so quickly? Everything is terrible, now :( I miss everyone so much. Blech. :(

I did, however, reserve two rooms at the Sheraton for next year, so let me know if you need somewhere to room/are interested in joining us!


Today I had a job interview. I think it went okay? And mostly slept. Getting up was awful and I feel like getting up tomorrow is going to be awful too. I'm using this weekend to sleep and be alone and write, I think, because. Ow. Re-entry is terrible.

dragoncon 13, costumes, dragoncon 12, friends

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