"When self-absorbed oil tycoon, Emma Frost, threatens to come between them, Erik has to act fast."

Aug 20, 2012 12:02

Hi, internet. It's Monday D:

I keep trying to be good about updating, but I get in this weird thing where I feel like LJing is procrastinating from writing fic and I get super guilty about it, so I keep telling myself I can update my LJ AFTER I finish comments/eat a meal/write some words, and it get shoved off to the wayside. UPDATING LJ IS JUST AS IMPORTANT, KAITLYN.


There's not actually a ton to update on, I guess, except Community which I'm not sure I can adequately put into words. During the first season, I loved it and understood why everyone was pushing it on me. During the second season, I recognized that it was precious and brilliant and was constantly in awe of the writers. During the third season, the mind control kicked into high gear. I spent large portions of episodes rocking back and forth with my hands over my mouth, for fear of my feelings spilling all over the room and drowning us. When Troy and Abed had their big fight I literally had to clutch little tiny Charles Xavier to my chest for comfort. During the Law and Order episode, I hugged the couch and could barely let go. I spent a lot of time going, "OH GOD HOW DO THEY DO THIS? HOW IS THE SHOW LIKE THIS? HOW IS EVERYTHING SO PERFECT?"

So, yeah. A lot of feelings about Community. I want to live either in the show or in Dan Harmon's head. Also, please tell me there is a good, IC fic with Troy & Abed and a baby. Then link me to it. Or write it and then link me to it. I'll give you a few minutes to go do this.

Back? Okay. Good. Anyway. Community. If you're not already watching it, you should be. It is 100% worth the price of the DVDs, to the point that I am considering buying a set myself even though mcwonthelottery already did.


metonymy and I went to Rifftrax on Thursday night. It was hilarious, though not the best live show they've done. The Manos riff was slightly funnier than the MST3k version, but the real winner of the night, in my eyes, was the "Boxes" short by the same company that did the "Grasses" short. That was the point where I was curled over, crying laughing, afraid I would hurt myself. Still, it was pretty great overall and I'm glad I went! They're doing Bridemic on 10/25. I'm buying tickets for the Boston show in the near future. Let me know if you're interested.


In mutant news, I keep surprising myself by writing short, fluffy stories with an underscoring of angst, all of which are basically the opposite of what I normally write? I mean, except the fluffy part. But, whatever, I think they're pretty okay and I like writing them, so I'm not about to stop. It is kind of funny that I signed up for Cotton Candy Bingo expressly to write pointless fluff and keep writing these instead, however.

littledust came over on Saturday night, ostensibly because she's never seen Josie and the Pussycats (I KNOW, RIGHT?), but it soon devolved into the usual mutant feelings. We may have spent four hours finding Mad Libs on the internet and entering Charles and Erik's names so we could giggle. I feel like we learned a lot in this endeavor, but it was mostly that the internet REALLY wants them to have exactly 9 children and that "oblong tower" is hilarious. Also, things about bisexual teen wolves? It was very informative.

I'm not making a lot of progress on any of my WsiP, but I'm writing a lot of one-shots, so that's something, at least. I'm also one challenge away from a name tag on fan_flashworks, so hopefully the challenge that goes up tonight will be appealing and I can get it! \o/

I worked out all the dates for this year's secret_mutant. There will be some modifications this year that might make things slightly more complicated (it's open to all pairings!), but I'm going to do it on AO3, so I feel like most of it will be WAY better. No hand-coding people's fic! \o/ My only concern is that it's going to run very close to the deadline for the Big Bang, but it's a holiday exchange, so there's not too much I can do about that and it's short (I'm upping it to 1000 words this year, but still), so...yes. Sign-ups don't even start until October, so I'm not sure why I'm worrying about this now, except that I constantly worry about everything.

Also, another mutant party soon, y/y? Are there weekends that are better or worse for people? Should we take up a collection to ensure that mcwonthelottery can enjoy herself somewhere else?


Okay, back to work. It's possible my anxiety has been awful all day and I'm avoiding making phone calls as long as possible :(

work: office girl, rifftrax, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, naomi needs a tag, cardigan central, troy and abed in the morning, secret_mutant, kelsey gets a tag now, community

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