give me your tropes!

Aug 13, 2012 20:17

Hi, internet! I am so tired, you don't even know. Today was my boss' first day back from vacation and I was super anxious about work related things last night so I didn't sleep at all and then had a three hour meeting and aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh I'm so tired :( :( :(

ANYWAY. So, a couple weeks ago, littledust and I were talking about our favorite tropes and how few of them we've written in general and in XMFC fandom specifically. For example, believe it or not, I have never written Charles and Erik sharing a bed (in a non-sexy or relationship way). We decided that we were going to dedicate a weekend to writing trope ficlets, because we're like that.

This is where you come in, flist! I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of tropes that I love, so please fill out this poll with your favorite tropes. I don't promise that I'll write them, but I appreciate the suggestions.

eta: You can put as many tropes as you can fit on each line! You don't have to limit yourself to one per text box XD

Poll tropes!

Okay. I'm gonna try to make it until 9pm. UGH. TIRED. :( :( :(

writing: is hard, fandom, poll, kelsey gets a tag now

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