"nobody appreciates my logan/rowsdower epics."

Aug 10, 2012 15:13

Hey internet. How are you? Long time no real update.

Okay, gosh, let's see. Last weekend was the Boston XMFC meet-up. It was more fun than I feared it would be (which should not reflect on my expectations of anything except my general likability--whenever I meet people for the first time, there is an insistent voice that reminds me that they will probably hate me and all attempts at social interaction are a waste of my time). Friday night, we went to Crema for coffee and to meet up for the first time. chiasmus and I got there first and we had a lovely reminiscence about SGA fandom (GUYS. SGA FANDOM. WAS AMAZING.) and then--okay, I forgot to poll everyone about how they wanted to be spoken of, crap, so I'm gonna do LJ names and initials for those without LJ--spicedpiano and kumagorogirl showed up and we talked about fandom some until M arrived. From there, we headed off to dinner, which was nice, and then back to spicedpiano where we skyped afrocurl and someone I didn't know. spicedpiano did a chat with some tumblr people (I am not tumblr hip and also I am vaguely hermitish and don't have a large circle of friends in this fandom) and the rest of us chatted about fic and fandom and how perfect McAvoy's face is and how much money we would pay to see Anne-Marie do a show in New York.

kumagorogirl's friend was kind enough to give us a ride back to my place, and I drove M back to her hotel in Dedham and then drove Lindsay to her place. (She came to Dedham with me to make sure I didn't fall asleep and die on the side of the road since it was approaching 2am. FRIENDSHIP.) I slept for a couple hours then debated taking the bus versus driving to Cambridgeside and taking the T. The fact that Somerville was like a sweatbox basically made that decision for me. I picked up M at Kendall and then we took the T to the Aquarium, where chiasmus, kumagorogirl, and forchancookie were waiting for us.

We did some aquarium things. I learned that seals think they're better than us and something else that I've already forgotten. There were jellyfish. There was a giant turtle which I texted a picture of to mcwonthelottery with the caption, "Mmmm...delicious." I sang the zoo songs from John Finnemore's Souvenier Program. We left the aquarium older and I suppose wiser, though less wise now as I've already forgotten one of the things I learned. Another quick trip on the T brought us to Haymarket, where spicedpiano was waiting for us. Our first choice lunch restaurant was closed. Our second (and third. and fourth.) was too expensive for lunch, but we eventually found a place and ate food while chatting. I may have ranted a little about how amazing Dar Williams is. And I also may have ruthlessly defended Rufus Wainwright. And AO3. And plain text/HTML posting versus Microsoft Word/Rich Text posting.

Look, I have a lot of opinions. (Especially about that last one.)

After lunch it was back to Cardigan Central (after a stop at the liquor store and for snacks). We watched the movie, chatted a bit, theoretically wrote, and generally hung out. There was some ridiculous drama with dinner (in that the dude delivering our food did not have GPS in his car and was told to go to the wrong side of town by the restaurant), but it eventually arrived and people ate and then I took M and forchancookie to their train. chiasmus, spicedpiano, kumagorogirl and I went to IHOP for waffles/writing/other food and then I dropped everyone off and went home and cleaned up and passed out.

Sunday I had some coffee incidents, but eventually we ended up at a sushi place in Central minus chiasmus and forchancookie. We ate food. I came out as a pop-cultural idiot and fandom pariah (I'm sure all those fics everyone was talking about were good, but despite the quality of the writing, I'll never be able to do A/O fic for a lot of complicated reasons that you don't care about.), continued my worrying trend of only being able to eat half of any given meal (apparently the three weeks of not eating at all had caught up to me), and then dropped everyone off at various places, except M, who came to get comics with me and then hung out at my house until her train came.

It was a really exhausting weekend, overall, but I'm glad I did it and I had a good time!


But the socialization doesn't stop there! On Monday....I don't actually remember what happened on Monday. Tuesday was a sad day, for various reasons, but then after work I met up with metonymy, littledust, and fahye for cupcakes and dinner! (In that order.) Fahye is lovely and it was a nice night out. Wednesday I stayed in, then last night was ROMANTIC BEERZ PART TWO with brilligspoons, paper_tzipporah, metonymy, starsparkle333 and mayatawi. Also lovely.

Today I am at work. It's our last No Bosses Day. I should finish the last bit of filing I need to do and also clean my desk, but that will take like, ten minutes. Mostly I've been working on my first Cotton Candy Bingo square since I decided to start with either the middle row or fourth column and "Online Dating" is where those two intersect. I'm also finishing up my physical fanwork for that exchange, as I need to mail it out today. It's really just a matter of putting it in an envelope and taking photos. I'm really pleased with it, despite the fact that I can't actually draw.

This weekend will mostly be sleeping and writing. I have gotten so little sleep this week, or at least that's what it feels like D: Last night I thought I'd manage to go to bed early, but I was trying to scan stuff from the physical fanwork and my scanner is fucked up and it took two hours and I wanted to die :(


Anyway, Charles and Erik! They're sure in love in every possible universe! Right now I am writing about them as online boyfriends and I meant for this to be a super quick fill, but now I'm thinking about aaaaallllll their backstory. How they met in fandom when they were teenagers and Charles was way more into it than Erik (who was just looking for people to talk about Harry Potter with since he didn't have a lot of IRL friends). And they wrote a crazy epic fic together and RPed as Remus and Sirius and Charles was ~*so in love with Erik*~ and Raven made fun of him all the time. Then they went to college and Erik drifted away and they emailed for a while but eventually Erik stopped checking that email address and go embroiled in school and stuff.

Then, you know, ten years later, after getting out of a shitty, boring relationship, Erik sees Avengers and just wants to talk about it with someone! So he dusts off his old LJ and is like, "I don't know if any of you are even still here, but I just saw Avengers and it was awesome and there's no one to talk about it with IRL." And Charles still checks his LJ because Raven and all her friends are on it all the time (Raven's a BNF in a yet to be decided fandom. Charles is mostly out of it, but lurks from time to time and still betas Raven's fic for her) and he sees Erik's post and is a) elated that the love of his teenage life is back and b) nervous that Erik is grown-up and important and probably married with kids and just going to break his heart.

But he comments like, ".....I'm still here? :)?" and they start emailing and commenting back and forth and before long it's like they're teenagers again, but times a hundred. They're constantly on chat and emailing and they start skyping regularly and they tell each other everything. And neither of them has had a really close friend since they left each other's lives and one night, after a particularly emotional conversation, Charles admits that he had a crush on Erik when they were kids and Erik admits he had a crush too and then adds that he maybe still has a crush? And Charles goes dizzy with shock and happiness and quickly says that he does as well and before long there are quiet declarations of love and they start spending a lot of time on the phone and bemoaning the fact that now that Erik has moved to New York (he lived in Chicago when they were kids), Charles lives in Oxford.

Anyway, it's pretty great. But I'm trying to figure out how to work that all in as backstory without doing an exposition dump. Ugh. Writing. It's hard, guys.


Other than that, I'm working on my big bang, the college AU, and two shorter, semi-angsty post-movie fics. (One is post-movie mutant school AU, the other is straight-up canon post-movie.) I hadn't intended to start on my big bang until September, but I did a scene by scene outline and stuff just started grabbing me and I had to start bits of it. I'm sure I will say this nine hundred million times during the process, but I am so, so excited to be working with shaliara, guys :D :D :D

The college AU would come together more easily if I could figure out how to link the first scene to when they start kissing. Ugh. Words. Plot. Things. >:(


I'm sleepy, internet. Why isn't it home time?

margaret, xmfc east coasters get a tag, work: office girl, fic i'm totally not writing, friends, rl blathering, cotton candy bingo, naomi needs a tag, writing: is hard, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, lindsay needs a tag, kelsey gets a tag now

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