writing chat! costumes! stuff!

Jul 28, 2012 16:54

Happy Saturday, internet! I had breakfast and got comics and saw friends and bought the start of the stuff I'll need for my Cerebro helmet, so it's not been a bad day. I'm going to try and write a little after this, or maybe take a nap. WHO KNOWS?


Last night was Writing Chat Thingy! It was an emergency, last minute sort of deal, so there weren't as many people as usual, but that wasn't bad. I started to fall asleep at the end, but I feel like everyone had a good time? And, more importantly, I actually wrote words. I wrote something for every prompt, and while a lot of it was utter garbage that I probably won't repost, there were two things I actually liked!

write about a sudden rainfall - xmfc, charles/erik - Charles and Erik get drenched on a stop on the recruitment roadtrip.

write about the sea - xmfc, charles/erik - Charles and Erik meet for the first time since Cuba at a cabin on the coast of the Pacific.

So, if you're so inclined, you can read those! I also strongly encourage you to read everything else! There's more XMFC and Glee and Avengers and a ton of great original stuff and some SPN and it's good times all around.


So, the main parts of all my costumes are done.

That's my girl!Tony outfit so far. The camisole is red, not orange, but the light was wonky. Not pictured: aviators, necklace, arc reactor, flask. I'm not sure if I'm going with those shoes? They're pretty comfortable, but they're heels. I might order flats.

And that's girl!Charles, minus Cerebro, which I haven't made yet which is going to be the most expensive part of the whole thing. I spent $50 at the hardware store today (although, admittedly, $25 of that was on a hot glue gun and glue sticks, not really supplies). Still, hopefully it will come out looking mostly okay, or at least recognizable. Ugh. Don't know what to do for jewelry for this one. I don't know if I want to order more sciencey jewelry off Etsy or just wear my pocket watch or skip jewelry all together.

I'm also doing the parade with an army of girl!Iantos, but I've already done that costume a few times so it's not as exciting!


And that's all the news that I feel like typing up right now. Now I have to decide if I want to write or watch some of The Virgin Queen.

costumes, dragoncon 12, fic: 2012, writing: chats, fic: xmfc

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