it's pretty hot

Jul 07, 2012 18:55

Not as hot as it was, but still.

Hello, internet! I know I haven't really been posting anything with fic lately, but work has been pretty busy and it's hard to type stuff at home because it's pretty hot. Also, I was finishing up a bunch of things and I go into that creepy headspace when I'm working on projects where IF I'M NOT WRITING FOR THAT PROJECT I'M A FAILURE and the guilt sets in, etc.

But! The reverse bang is done! I have finished another story, too, which I can't post for a million years, and I should be finishing up littledust's birthday fic, but I have all the dialogue written and just need to fill in the stuff around it and aforementioned heat, etc. So! I have a clear schedule to work on my nine hundred other projects. Kelsey said the other night that someone should just hire us to write AUs full time and I am 100% behind that sentiment.


Just to get that out there ;D The fic will be done....soonish.


ANYWAY. Work has been busy because my boss has been working on this other project that's ramping up, plus the end of the fiscal year, etc. Plus, there was a weird holiday in the middle of the week, my mental health has been craptastic, and to try and help the mental stuff, I've been going out as often as possible because I generally like being around other people and it usually temporarily distracts me from what a fuck-up I am, etc. Also, the unexpected trip home, the funeral...basically I've been super busy. But still reading LJ! Because I still love you guys, I promise! ♥

Today was BREAKFAST ADVENTURE #2. I don't think I ever wrote about BREAKFAST ADVENTURE #1? Basically, metonymy found a list of the "best" brunch places in Boston and she, chiasmus, and I have decided to go to one every couple weeks all summer to sample them for ourselves. We really like breakfast food, okay?

We went to Neighborhood Restaurant, which is right around the corner from our house. We pass it all the time and there's always a line, but we've never been. This place is like a legend around Somerville and Cambridge. If you talk to someone about brunch, they will inevitably bring up this place, either to rave about it or to mention a friend who raved about it. We had to see what all the fuss was about.

Um, the fuss is about the really disgusting amount of TRULY EXCELLENT FOOD that they bring you. There's free coffee and orange juice and a free plate of cornbread and toast for the table. All the food comes with a side of breakfast meat, hashbrowns, two eggs, and either cream of wheat or fruit. I got a waffle with four kinds of fruit and homemade whipped cream (which I shouldn't have eaten, I know, BUT IT WAS SO GOOD) and I can't describe in words how good it was. Holy crap. I think Naomi and Lindsay both got blueberry cheesecake pancakes.

The icing on the delicious, delicious cake is that it's also super cheap. We got all of that for $13 a piece.

Today we went to The Friendly Toast in Kendall. It has a sister restaurant in Portsmouth, NH, where I once went for dinner, but I'd never been for breakfast. Aestetically, it was kind of the opposite of Neighborhood. Neighborhood is family owned and barebones and has a very Mom and Pop, Old Established Community Restaurant feel to it. The Friendly Toast is hardcore Hipster Kitsch. Naomi leaned over during breakfast and asked if we thought there was a minimum number of required tattoos to work there, for example.

The food was good! Mine wasn't nearly as good as Neighborhood, but I chalk that up to my choices. I got cinnamon raisin french toast with raspberry sauce and grand marnier on top. I assumed it would be drizzled, but the toast was drowning in it and it was a little too much for me. I scraped most of it off. But Naomi and Lindsay really enjoyed their meals. The service was pretty good, considering I'd heard horror stories. I would probably go back there as well, but I'd order something else. (Naomi's gingerbread waffle looked FANTASTIC.)

BREAKFAST ADVENTURE #3 will be BEACH BREAKFAST ADVENTURE. So if any locals know good breakfast joints near a beach (I don't want to drive more than an hour away), please let us know! We are all ignorant of MA beaches.


What else? We went to Becca's family's cookout for the fourth. Her nephew is SO BIG. He's like a PERSON. It's precious. We saw fireworks! During a lull in the fireworks, some stoned/drunk dude yelled, "THAT ONE'S FOR AMERICA!" and we laughed until we hurt and proceeded to say "THAT ONE'S FOR AMERICA!" eight million times over the next two days.

I HAVE NEW BRAS. That's super important. They're very comfortable and actually fit my tits, unlike all my old bras. I want two more. I'm going to wait a few paychecks, though.

I saw harmonyangel when I was home for the funeral! It was great! I haven't seen her since last summer and I love wandering around New Jersey, talking about crazy AUs and life with her. She told me about her Fury/Coulson story, I told her about my reverse bang, and we plotted out two seperate Dark Phoenix Saga Mean Girls AUs. The comicsverse one where Sebastian Shaw = Regina George, Jean = Cady, Scott = Aaron Samuels, and Wolverine = Janis was pretty great (Chuck was Tina Fey!), but the movieverse one where Erik = Regina and Chuck = Janis was EVEN BETTER. "Let me tell you something about Charles Xavier. We were like, best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. But then I started being a terrorist and he was like, weirdly jealous? Like, if I would blow him off to commit genocide he would be like, 'Why do you have to be evil?' and I'd be like, 'Why are you so obsessed with me?' So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-bad guys pool party, I was like, 'Charles, I can't invite you, because I think you're a good guy.' I mean I couldn't have a goodie at my party. There were gonna be baddies there in their bathing suits."

Also, imagine Erik making out with Cyclops. IMAGINE IT.


In other comics news, I've zipped through Avengers Academy which is amazing and wonderful and will forever be held up with my other favorite teen superhero books, like Runaways and the original Uncanny X-Men (and also X-Men: First Class for that matter). I love everyone. I want to hold them all and pet their hair. I even find myself consistently amused by Pietro, whom I've never particularly liked before. (Honestly, I've never cared for the twins much? Aside from Wanda in First Class, entirely for Wanda/Jean shipping purposes. They've never interested me. If I have to pick a favorite Magneto progeny, it's always gonna be Polaris.) I'm still not sold on Hank Pym, but he's Hank Pym, so whatever.

I've started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender at the insistance of the entire internet, and I have to hand it to you, internet--you were right. I mean, I never really doubted you were right, but you were and I'm only five episodes in but I love everyone and want to hold them and pet their hair. (This is a recurring theme with me, obvs.) The whole this is super cute and awesome already and I'm told it only gets better, so yay!

In other "The internet was right" news, we've also started Community and it won us over. Goddammit, internet, is there anything you're NOT right about? (Haha, just kidding, Everyone Is Wrong On the Internet, of course!)


I think that's all that's going on with me. I've had a lot of XMFC writing thoughts, but mostly I vomit those on pearl_o via email. I'm getting excited about con--my Tony costume is done except for the shoes and I still need to get a sweater vest for the Charles costume and craft the Cerebro tin-hat. I'm excited to see everyone! I'm also excited to be in NYC doing shit with my friends in a week and a half.

I will end this here, though I fear it's already long enough to warrant an LJ cut. How are YOU internet? I hope you're well ♥

x-men, work: office girl, atla, rl blathering, nj!jen, naomi needs a tag, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, comics, breakfast adventure!, kelsey gets a tag now

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