"...and then a piece of the sub fell on Erik's head."

May 20, 2012 22:29

Guys, the Mutant Feelings Party was SO EXCELLENT. Seriously. Oh man. littledust and chiasmus and rose71 and brilligspoons came over and we ate food and watched XMFC and had an excessive number of feelings at each other. It was pretty much perfect. We did a lot of flailing and snarking and enjoying all of their perfect faces.

After the movie, we watched a bunch of vids and then brilligspoons left. We watched even more vids, including this one which I had never seen before, but, oh my god, there was literal hair pulling and whimpering and littledust needed to get up from the couch and hug me. IT'S A REALLY GOOD VID, GUYS.

I mean, basically that's what we did for seven hours. We had feelings and talked about fic and fandom and everyone was only once subjected to my rant about people who by-pass shipping a really obvious couple for a couple of white dudes. It was great. We looked at fanart, we talked about fic, Kelsey and I did a dramatic reading of the outline of our ~*Magical AU*~, and generally we were super happy and flaily and it was great. Around 11:30/12 rose71 and chiasmus left for the night, but Kelsey stayed for another few hours in which we watched the movie again and then flopped on the couch and sleepily talked about their faces for another hour or so.

So good. Like, it was a stupid little thing, but it made me feel so good and so happy for a day and I'm really glad for it. I wish I always felt as good as I do when I'm hanging out with people, gushing about stuff I love. The come down is hard, but I manged to get through most of today without totally freaking out and in two days, I will be on a plane to see leiascully and coffeesuperhero, so hopefully I can drag this out and make it last.

SO MUCH FUN, THOUGH. Why can't this be every weekend? Why are their faces so good? How are they so in love? WHY DOESN'T THE MOVIE END WITH A TRIPLE WEDDING AND THEN SEAN TAKES THE GIRL FROM THE GROCERY STORE TO PROM?

margaret, charles/erik, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, kelsey gets a tag now, friends, happy

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