Hello, internet.
The past few nights I've been sore/tired/stoned and went to bed early and ACTUALLY SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT, but I'm still tired. So. That's balls. I thought sleeping was supposed to help with the whole being tired thing. LAME.
Things to do, etc. Lots of writing I should be doing, so I'll try to stay up to a grown-up time tonight.
Last weekend the NAMI Walk was on Saturday! We walked the shit out of that 5k, you don't even know. Mental Illness was COWERING IN FEAR. Sunday I saw The Avengers again with
metonymy, which was great because the first time I hadn't gone with fannish people, so I didn't get to do the post-movie, "OH MAN LET'S SAY ALL THE GREAT THINGS BACK AND FORTH TO EACH OTHER!" bit. Which I did this time. Conclusion? ♥ Natasha ♥ Also Bruce is great.
In A WEEK I will be about to get on a plane headed for
leiascully and
coffeesuperhero. A WEEK. That is hardly any time at all! :D :D :D I am pretty excited about this, in case you don't follow me on Twitter and don't see my daily post of my countdown clock and thus didn't know how excited I was. Or something. Whatever, I'M EXCITED, GUYS, I WILL BE WITH ERIN AND MARY SO SOON. SO SOON.
In the meantime, workworkwork. I half cleaned off my desk, so now Hulk is chilling with the birth announcement for my co-worker's adorable baby. Aw.
My birthday is also coming very soon! Like, two weeks!
This is me just checking again to see if anyone else would like to join
littledust and me for Dar Williams in Fall River on my birthday! (5/31) It's $30 (+~$5 in fees) and general admission, so you can
buy your own ticket and then just let me know. IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT. Even though I recognize that a Thursday night is a pain for a lot of people.
Also still gauging interest for anyone who'd like to come to a picnic lunch on 6/2? There will be cake! And probably other things! Let me know! I'll probably send out an email with deets to anyone who's interested sometime before I leave for Almost-Castle de Fangirl.
Also, I had the revelation this morning that The Avengers is pretty much about a bunch of fortysomething year old dudes and their hot young things. It works for Tony and Steve and for Clint and Natasha, but kind of falls apart with Bruce and Thor. Unless, like Margaret, my mere explanation is enough to get you to ship it.
Anyway, it's hilarious to ME. And that's what counts.
That is all for now. Back to work!