i made them with my science!

May 10, 2012 10:11

Good morning, internet. I am not in jail for property damage this morning. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is yet to be seen.


It ocurred to me last night that I go through a sort of emotional process while I'm writing. Single-minded enthusiasm turns to a sort of overwrought, emotional desperation to get a particular image down, turns to mindless typing. I then hit a point, right near the end, where I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING OR WHAT I'M WRITING OR HOW IT WILL END, at which point I inevitably IM littledust and say, "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS IS. HOW ARE ENDINGS?" and she soothes me through the despair and makes helpful suggestions and then I force myself to finish, even though I don't even care anymore, cresting until the anticlimatic realization that it's done. The joy comes only when I get the first comment/Kudos and realize, "OH MAN IT'S DONE."

Welcome to my brain. It's a scary place.


I have some more thoughts on The Avengers. I didn't really come out of the movie shipping anything? Mostly I just want all the gen friendship fic. There was never a point with any of the characters were I was like, "THEY'RE SO IN LOVE." I can see how the foundations have been laid for Steve/Tony, and if I read anything, it will probably be that, but a lot of my flist seems to be like, "OMG NATASHA/CLINT!" or "TONY/BRUCE!" or whatever, and...no shipping for me!

(And by "no shipping," I mean "for a given value of 'no shipping' in which I still ship Steve/Tony because...Steve/Tony." I think harmonyangel implanted a chip in my brain one night while I was sleeping.)

Mostly I just want everyone to be ~*friends*~ and hang out together and Tony and Bruce ~*do science*~ and Coulson happily shows Steve around the city and explains how things have changed and Clint is like, "None of this parks and museums bullshit, I will teach you what the twenty-first century is really like, Steve and Thor!" and Natasha is like, "Jesus christ, someone needs to provide damage control." And they have team movie nights and do awkward press events together and Natasha and Bruce play board games with Steve and Tony thinks board games are boring but always ends up playing anyway and gettind shrewd and maniacal about it and...yes.

Um, basically, I want all the gen fic, but also sometimes Steve and Tony make out.

The weirdest part of that is that Bruce and Tony should ping all my usual relationship kinks, but it does not. I blame Jen's mind control chip. ::shakes fist::

eta: Also, this breakdown of each character's screen time was pretty cool. No spoilers!


Relatedly! This might be of interest to you:

virgin_america: a fic fest based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and one simple question: Steve Rogers is canonically a 90(ish)-year-old virgin. What happens when the rest of the Avengers find out?

It sounds like fun!


Okay, I'm going to run a report. I will be crossposting fic in the near future, fyi!

pimping, the avengers, writing: is hard, science bros, kelsey gets a tag now

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