tales from cardigan central: mobile edition, part 3777 // other stuff too

Apr 27, 2012 11:54

pocky_slash: I guess I also set up the [meeting] and emailed a couple people, but, all told, that's like, ten minutes of doing stuff
and three and a half hours of blinking.
And looking at pictures of Anne-Marie.
mcwonthelottery: well that's a given
like you don't need to schedule that in
that's a necessity like using the toilet or, for people who are not you, eating


Good morning, internet. Well. Good lunchtime? Welcome to Friday. I bet you thought it would never get here. I know I sure did. Today I have been super productive, as you can see above. I also have been really good at not yelling at people for RSVPing for something two weeks late. You'd be delighted by my restraint, I assure you, internet.

Tonight will be Bad Movie Weekend Part 2. I just have to get through another five hours.

IN THE MEAN TIME, here is something for you to do, if you're so inclined! such_heights is having another Female Character Trope Fest! It's a chance to take all those tropes that we see so much in slashfic and apply them to our favorite female characters and f/f pairings! I put up a handful of XMFC prompts, but you should prompt too! And write! And learn to juggle! (Not because it has anything to do with the fest, just because I think it would be a neat life skill for you to have, internet.)

The fest is over here! Go! Be free to ask people to write you fic about Leslie and Ann pretending to be a couple! Actually, definitely ask people for that, because that would be awesome!

anne-marie duff: queen of my heart, pimping, quotes, work: office girl, cardigan central, fandom

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