con is so far away, guys

Apr 25, 2012 11:56

Good morning, internet!

Well, afternoon, I guess. It's already like, 11:30 here. I spent most of the morning doing fiddly administrative tasks--putting stuff in my boss' calendar, running my March claims report, making RSVP lists for each of the upcoming trainings, etc. I looked up and an hour had passed. I'm not sure how that happened.

There's other stuff I need to be doing (as my Outlook reminders are telling me every five minutes ::snoozes again::), but for the moment, I'm going to do this, because...I can.


Not that I have anything of particular import to say.



So...anyone have any ideas? Anyone want to do any group things this year? Um, low-key, that is, because I'm not a super crazy dedicated costumer and I can't sew worth a damn, but I can usually pull together the stuff I need thanks to the fact that most of my fandoms are live-action western media.

Someone at some point mentioned doing a Rule 63 Marvel group? I can't remember who? I would be down for that.

eta: YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST, FOLKS (well, okay, actually Becca mentioned it on tumblr a lifetime ago): Rule 63 Marvel group! Sunday! We have a Cap, an Iron Man, a Hawkeye, and a Coulson (possibly) so far!

Ugh, guys, seriously, I can't wait until con. I MISS ALL YOUR FACES. And, sure, I'll get to see some of your faces in May and some of them in June, BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH. I need to also be surrounded by 50,000 other people in costume and to be going to panels and to be drunk or about to be drunk.

I think that sentence stopped making sense at some point. THE POINT IS...con is so far away, guys. Ugh.


I forgot I'm going home the weekend The Avengers comes out. My dad will probably see it with me, but it still means braving actual opening weekend crowds for the second time in a month. Ugh.


Okay, I need to see about retrieving lunch for brilligspoons and myself. And then do some more work. And then respond to emails (including the lovely one I got from suchthefangirl this morning ♥ ♥ ♥). And maybe call my parents at some point this month.

family stuff, work: office girl, costumes, movies, dragoncon 12

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