dar and birthday and things and also thank you, you guys are great

Apr 16, 2012 10:43

Hi, folks.

I'm still not entirely...engaging with the world around me, I guess. I'm still reading! But, as with my last status entry, I'm not great at...talking to people? I'm really tired.

ANYWAY. I'm trying to get back in the habit, starting with answering comments on the old retired dudes story. usually, even though I feel guilty, answering fic comments is the first thing to go when I start getting unhinged like this, but the response to that story was flooring and I don't know any other way to thank everyone for their kind words except to...thank everyone for their kind words.

I don't know, we'll see. I still can't believe the response to that fic. It's wonderful and I am so grateful to all of you who read it and enjoyed it and recced it, I'm just...a bit overwhelmed, I guess. But, seriously, thanks, guys. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. ♥


THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS ENTRY IS ABOUT, THOUGH. This entry is about my birthday!

My birthday is soon, internet, for a value of soon that equals less than six weeks away. I AM PRETTY EXCITED ABOUT THIS.

I am pretty excited for a couple reasons. a) I love birthdays. b) Twenty-seven is MY FAVORITE NUMBER and since I was a kid I have dedicated myself to the idea that my twenty-seventh year will be the best year ever. c) DAR WILLIAMS IS PLAYING ON MY BIRTHDAY.

This is a sign, internet. A sign that twenty-seven will be GREAT.

ANYWAY. Clearly I have to go to this show. I was hemming and hawwing because it's at 8pm on a Thursday in Fall River, which is an hour from my house, but IT'S MY BIRTHDAY and IT'S DAR, as littledust politely pointed out when we were leaving the last show.

SO. I know it's a Thursday and it's late, but is anyone else interested in going with us? It's $30 +$5 in fees. It's general admission, so you can buy your own ticket and it will be good times and I promise I won't cry on you too much*.

*This might be a lie.

For those of you who CAN'T attend (or don't want to go out on a Thursday night), I am definitely having a party of some sort. Right now I am thinking a picnic at the park by my house on Saturday, June 2. If we go around 1 or 2, the SHiTs should be cleared out (if they even have games there? I feel like maybe it's just a practice field?) and I'll make a cake and we can all bring food and sit on blankets and maybe I will wear a special birthday hat. It will be great and I WOULD LIKE IT IF YOU COULD BE THERE, INTERNET.

More details as we inch closer to May, but I thought I'd put it on your radar since I just bought the first Dar tickets and all.


Back to work! And by "work" I mean "answering comments and/or exploring my options for Remix Madness."

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, fandom, birthday, dar williams, slanty face, friends

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