my toy store is super popular

Mar 07, 2012 08:36

I had a very strange experience this morning. I had an anxiety dream, which isn't strange at all--I have those semi-frequently--but it wasn't about me?

A friend of mine was at her school meeting with a group of professors about her thesis (? this friend isn't actually in school). They told her that basically all her research was invalid, but also heavily implied that her research was fine but they weren't going to approve it for political reasons. I picked her up from that meeting and then I was running errands with her and she wanted to drop something off at someone's house. For some reason, I really didn't want to go and I kept saying, "Can't you just give it to her at the party on Saturday?" and she insisted, so we went, even though I kept saying, "I'm not feeling well, I want to go home. I really want to go home now." She started talking to her friend (and quatredeathlady was randomly there in addition to the friend) and I really wanted to go home and in the dream I just... had a panic attack. Couldn't breathe, hysterically crying, couldn't stop, etc.

I woke up immediately after and I was completely freaked out and upset, the way I normally am after an anxiety dream. Except, usually in my anxiety dreams, the bad things are actually happening to me and also relevent to my life. So. Who the fuck even knows?

It was a fitting start for today. I overslept (because of this dream, goddammit) and I took the wrong breakfast from Starbucks and everything just feels...not good. But I'm trying to not let that color the day, because I was doing really well until yesterday. Last night was super unproductive. All I did was make that poll, picspam Anne-Marie on Tumblr, and play Tiny Tower.

(I blame mcwonthelottery. She blames bessiemaemucho. I haven't spent actual money on it yet, however, so, small favors.)


The poll has been really interesting. I came up with three more questions right after I posted it. "How long have you been posting fic on the internet?" "How long have you been posting fic on LJ in particular?" and "If you were submitting a story to a fest, would you include mark-up, or would you assume the mods would handle that?"

Anyway, I'm going to watch it a little longer and then maybe post some further thoughts/conclusions/et cetera. So if I posted the poll after your bedtime or whatever, feel free to continue to fill it out and tell your friends, if you'd like.


Today is apparently World Read Aloud Day, so after betaing a fic and depending on my work schedule/mental state, I'm going to try and write something. We'll see if it happens.


That is all for now, internet. I hope you're well.

writing: is hard, writing: general, dreams, poll, slanty face

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