how is it morning?

Feb 24, 2012 09:08

There is a gif on my flist that is just high enough that I can SEE IT MOVING when I've scrolled all the way to the top. I am basically posting this just to move it down so I don't have to see it anymore.

(For those of you new to the party, I hate gifs. No, I don't know how I survive on Tumblr either.)

(eta: Not your icon, leiascully, the one I was trying to hide was HUGE and flashy instead of just tiny and dancing.)


So, last night we watched what is possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of bad movies. It was called What's Your Number? and we watched it because Chris Evans takes off his clothes a lot and I owed Becca because once I made her watch Wanted.

I don't normally go into feminist rage, because I'm pretty lazy and also my mental health gets progressively worse the more political I get (and I'm not exactly a pillar of healthy human emotions on a good day), but, my god, that movie sent me into a feminist rage. I want to go out and have a lot of sex just to prove a point. (And also because I need to get laid.)

Mostly, though, I tried to focus on reading fic. Which frequently sends me into a rage for different reasons.

Anyway, in conclusion, wait until I write my Mycroft/Lestrade* fuck or die prison AU. It will be the worst day of Becca's life.

* I know they have a terrible portmanteau ship name that I should have used for maximum roommate-despairing-effect, but I've forgotten what it is and I refuse to google it on principle.


Plans this weekend:
1) Haircut
2) Make a cake at some point
3) Finish at least one story, you lunatic.


Speaking of, last night, right at bedtime, momebie posted a prompt and I made the Super Mature Responsible Adult Decision to stay up writing until way past my bedtime. I'll repost it here later, but it's already up on AO3. And it's sad. Whoops.


Just gotta get through today and then it's ~*the weekend.*~

poor life choice theatre, cardigan central, movies, 2do

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