ugh my life

Feb 19, 2012 20:58

So, I'm feeling better physically which means, of course, I've backslided mentally. Hurrah. This morning instead of sleeping for twelve hours and not wanting to get out of bed because I couldn't breathe and felt sick, I slept for twelve hours and didn't want to get out of bed because EVERYTHING IS THE WORST.

Lame lame lame.



So, at three am I decided it would be a good idea to start another daycare story instead of working on any of my four WsIP, including the one I had decided to spend all weekend working on. Whoops? It's straight up hurt/comfort, though, with totally-freaking-out!Erik and drugged-to-the-gills!Charles and it really has no plot other than "Charles gets hit by a car, Erik hyperventilates and has flashbacks, Charles has a pin put in his leg and finds it kind of morbidly sexy that he'll have a piece of metal in his body all the time now."

Also, Erik growls a lot at the hospital staff who mostly just think he's precious after Charles accidentally projects his affection and apologies to half the state.

Argh. I really need to get back to the wooing story, but this conversation between Raven and Charles is difficult.

Also, figuring out what Erik's wooing plan actually is.


Nothing new to report otherwise. Still itchy. Back to work tomorrow. Having anxiety about everything I missed. Becca's watching Supernatural and I'm remembering about that one time I had feelings about Castiel, but I can't remember anything about SPN anymore, so I can't remember what they were. Have spent much of the weekend spewing feelings at littledust, as it my wont. I read two good fics:

Bookshop by aesc, xm: fc - charles/erik - modern, still powered au - nc-17 - 11k words

Oh my god, guys. This story. Is so good. And cute. And hot. And sweet. And smart. And funny. Sebastian Shaw is the owner of Caspertina Books in Brookline, one of the few mutant owned and run businesses in the greater Boston area. It's also one of the few places that Erik can even think about applying for a job that fits in with his college schedule. But working for Shaw is almost worth it when he meets the older brother of one of his co-workers, a cheeky young telepath and doctoral candidate with a bottomless wallet named Charles Xavier.

And then they fall in love. Obviously.

I love aesc's stuff always, but I particularly the way she manages to weave the politics of a mutant-inclusive world into her stories. This is no exception.

(Also omg, they're SO IN LOVE.)

The O(l)dd Couple by anon, xm: fc - charles/erik, ensemble - future genosha au

This is on the kink meme. I KNOW I KNOW BUT PLEASE JUST LISTEN. It's framed by an article about the political achievements of Magneto, King of Genosha, and Professor X, his head advisor and consort, but in between bits of the article we see a story of two old men who are a little bit curmudgeonly and old-fashioned and grey, but still crazy and deeply in love with each other. It's incredibly funny in parts (there's some great meta about costumes!) and just sweet and heartwarming in others. There's cuddling and h/c and bickering and family bonding and Erik trolling the (now grown) X-Kids and everything. Trust me, you can brave the kink meme for this one.


Okay, back to writing one of the three GDocs I have open.

sick, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, daycare verse, rec, kelsey gets a tag now, slanty face

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