won't mean a thing, dear, if you're not here with me

Dec 10, 2011 22:56


Long time no see. Sort of. I've been reading but it's been... hazy. I wrote probably close to 35k over the course of like, less than a week, while also working full time and cursing a lot and openly weeping.

BUT. I'm done. And I have a ton of secret_mutant stuff to both write and moderate and shit (if you sent me something--or rather, sent "the mods" something that had to do with secret_mutant, I totally got it and dealt with it, but I haven't replied to emails yet. That's my next task!), but I just feel so relieved. I can't even. BREATHING. THIS IS WHAT IT IS LIKE.

And, let me just say before I forget, thanks for all your support, guys. I really appreciated the comments/IMs/tweets/everything as I was freaking out. Remembering that there were people out there genuinely interested in what I was doing and genuinely appreciative of me as a writer really made it that much better and that much easier. I know I haven't been great about responding to comments lately, what with all the crazy, but, honestly, you're all pretty spectacular ♥



I put up our tree yesterday and I've been listening to Christmas music and everything. I fucking love the holiday season, guys. I just love it. I'm not particularly religious, but the holiday season always makes me happy and fills me with joy and I got a bit of a late start this year because of working on that fic but... yes.

Anyway, in the spirit of the holidays, HOLIDAY LOVE MEME! Please leave me affection and I will leave you affection in return.


I was going to make this an entire catch-up entry, but now I've been writing it for like, three hours, and it still doesn't say anything of use. So. That's all I've got for now. I'll try to do a proper catch up tomorrow.

meme, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, christmas

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