"I only recognize him when he's naked between Charles & Erik and/or pregnant. Or a red-tailed hawk."

Nov 22, 2011 16:19

Hey there, internet!

It's Tuesday, but Tuesday is really Thursday this week. And Tuesday. Simultaneously. So there's that.

This morning was pretty rotten. Of the "waking up at four am with cramps and puking and getting puke all in your hair so you have to take a shower at four in the morning and it hurts to lie down on your back or your front so mostly you just stand in the shower crying and wanting to die" variety of rotten. It was the worst. I slept until 7:15 and still got to work on time, though, so there's that. And about an hour ago I took like, six pills and now stuff is cool.


Oh my god, internet, I had SO MANY FEELINGS about Shameless last night. I feel like, the first season was like, "lalala, this family gets into crazy shit but everything's okay!" and, like, Steve's car-thiefing was the worst of their issues. But season two and BAM. It's not "we need someone to impersonate our dad," it's drugs and pregnancy and people getting the shit beat out of them and threatening to put Liam into care and craziness! Oh my god, SO MANY FEELINGS about Steve leaving, to the point where Becca was like, "Jesus, google pictures of them and their baby! It's not really McAvoy and Anne-Marie AND you know Steve and Fiona going to get back together in like, two episodes!"

But...~*feelings*~! And then they were just crying in the kitchen and my heart hurt. And then the next episode with Lip in jail and ::hands::

Um, anyway, there are two more episodes left of season two, which is good because that means we can finish it up tonight and I can go to New Jersey for the weekend without fretting about the Gallaghers. And, you know, this six year old season of a show. I just love Fiona so much I can't stand it. And Steve and Kev and Veronica and Lip and Ian and basically everyone.

(But, honestly, how much do I love that Steve wasn't like, "I need to leave the country" but "WE need to leave the country, you and me and your five brothers and sisters because I know you can't leave them and someone needs to look after them and I'm willing to take all five of them with us because I love them all and want to protect them"?)

(I......have a lot of feelings about this show. I'm as surprised as anyone.)


So, I've actually maybe started using my tumblr. We'll see. I still don't get it. But I've added a bunch of things that seem interesting. It's here if anyone's interested. I don't imagine I'll be posting overmuch, but who knows. Mostly I just like looking at pictures of pretty things. And by "pretty things" I mean "pretty people." And by pretty people I mean McAvoy.

eta: And let me know who you are if you add me and your name there is different from one that I already know :)


Oh my god, I'm in charge of keeping track of RSVPs for this work thing and I already want to kill everyone and it's only been one day. WHY CAN'T ADULTS READ SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS? WHY? Is it really that hard to respond with the name of your organization, your title, and your email address? And, really, you say, "my Director of [Program] is coming too" without giving her name or any other identifying information?

This is almost as bad as my co-workers who don't know what PDFs are.


Not too long until I'm back in Jersey for the long weekend. Let me know if you want to have sweet hangs!


I'm just gonna leave this here and go back to writing.

work: office girl, teevee, shameless, mcavoy has a stupid goober face

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