omgggg meme!

Nov 20, 2011 22:36

Oh god, I don't care that this is spam, I MUST DO THIS MEME I STOLE FROM MARY.

Your job is now your Time Lord name. The last digit of your phone number is the current regeneration you are in. The nearest clothing item to your right is now the most notable item in your current wardrobe. The last person you texted is your current companion. Your favorite word is now your catchphrase.

I'm the First Administrative Assistant, which is a pretty lame time lord name, am I right? Ugh. Anyway, the nearest clothing item to me is what I'm wearing, so we're going to go with denim pencil skirt because it's a little more remarkable than "nondescript sweater." The last person I texted was Brendan brother is my companion? And ooohhhh god, what's my favorite word? I really like "propensity?" "Propensity" is a weird catch phrase.

So, basically all my answers to that were lame, but I really wanted to do it anyway? So yes.


I went to Panera! metonymy joined me! I wrote a ton of words! Probably about three thousand! But the most important part is I wrote AN ENTIRE BULLET POINT OFF OF MY TO-DO LIST. A bullet point with three sub-bullet points. Basically all of the drama with Charles' mom is DONE. Also, I figured out the ~*overarching theme*~ of the big bang. It only took 35k words and three months, but I figured it out.

So, there are only like...three more major things to do. Which will be easy peasy. And. Yay! I feel so much better about myself! Now I can write porn guilt free!

Writing the porn is weird stressful, though, in a way. Because...I have a lot invested in these versions of these characters? And we've built up all these things about their relationship and I'm like, "OH GOD THEIR FIRST TIME HAS TO BE PRETTY RIDICULOUS OR PRETTY GREAT" and also they've working under like, 2+ weeks of utter sexual frustration, so...yes.

In short, I am more worried about their first time in this verse than I ever have been about my first time with any of my past significant others, which probably says a lot about what a shitty girlfriend I am.

But I'm still writing it. Charles just took Erik's pants off. And then Erik stepped on a Care Bear.


I think it's possibly bed time. I think I also need to take Doug's advice and say something to this girl I have a thing for before I actually go crazy. I think I also also need to make a gyno appointment about this weird possibly-allergic thing I'm having. And I also also also need to remember to call home and figure out what I'm doing for Thankgiving.

None of those things have anything to do with each other.

Good night, internet.

meme, writing: is hard, daycare verse, who

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