mornings are lame. in a related story, the sky is blue and water is wet.

Oct 06, 2011 09:10

I woke up at five am to an awful charley horse. My leg still hurts, man. I need to eat more bananas. Although, actually, now that I think about it, maybe that's foot cramps? I think it is. Maybe they're the same thing? Or the same cause, I mean. I should google that.


I haven't been sleeping well lately and it looks like I'm not going to get to catch up on my sleep for a couple weeks yet. LAME. But the reasons I won't be able to sleep in on weekends are less lame. This weekend, saidlian_nataly is getting married! Crazy, right? I still need to get shoes for my dress. And figure out what I'm doing with my hair. And stuff like that. BUT I'M SUPER EXCITED. I both can and can't wrap my brain around the whole thing.

The weekend after is Book Fest and scary times, so maybe I will get to sleep on the 16th? idk.


I went to Hub yesterday to pick up free pre-screening tickets to The Thing (aside: Does anyone in the Metro Boston area want to go see The Thing with me on Tuesday night? It's free!) and ended up losing an hour and spending $25. Which isn't a bad thing! Just, you know, typical, really. I always mean to go in for a minute or two and then it's an hour later and I've been talking to Jesse about cons and comics and teevee and Doctor Who and whatever.

It's funny, while I 100% acknowledge that girls getting shafted at comic shops is a thing, I have been lucky enough to never experience it personally, so it's kind of foreign to me at the same time. The local comic shop I went to as a kid and teen and... general New Jersey resident was great. I started going with my dad when I was a kid and never felt, as I grew, that I was judged or whatever. The guy who owned it was pretty cool and on a first name basis with everyone in my family. The staff was made of two local high school girls and one local high school boy and while they were occasionally surly, as teenagers are, they were never judgey. And now that I live here, I go to Hub which is...Hub. I'm trying to imagine Jesse being judgey in a sexist way. Jesse isn't even that judgey in a "I know you write porn about fictional dudes on the internet" kind of way. He used the acronym "OTP" in conversation with me yesterday.

So...yeah. I acknowledge that I am super lucky in that I've never felt awkward popping into my local comic shop and chilling for an hour or two.

Anyway, I got the first American Vampire trade because brilligspoons wants me to read it and Wonder Woman #1 because several people have mentioned I might like it. Jesse tried to sell me on Batwoman, but I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I don't get paid again until next Thursday, so I'm holding off until then.

Then I went home and did the few remaining dishes and watched thirty minutes of a horror flick while waiting for mcwonthelottery and her mom to get home.


I can't believe no one is as interested in an SGA/XMFC fusion as lurkmuch, brilligspoons, and me. Come on, guys! It would be AMAZING. THINK OF HOW MUCH RODNEY WOULD HATE cHARLES. Doesn't that alone bring joy to your heart? And if that doesn't, Erik and Ronon's mutual brooding silence and predilection for knives certainly should. Or Raven and Cadman being besties! Or Rodney yelling all sorts of things at Hank! Guys! It would be amazing.


Here's this meme that I will try and do for you if LJ cooperates. Then I should do some actual work, I suppose:

Give me a fandom and I will tell you:

+ Favourite female and male character
+ Favourite scene
+ Favourite ship
+ Unpopular opinion


Just two more work days and it will be the weekend. I can do it and you can too!

meme, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, caitlin needs a tag too, mutants in atlantis, sga, comics, friends

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