"sid's like, 'just wait til i get one of those signs! then people will take me seriously!'"

Oct 01, 2011 20:25


Not My Fandom Fest returns October 21! Watch this space for updates!


Hello, internet--WOW I GUESS I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A FEW DAYS. The "post an entry" font is now Arial and not courier. CRAZY.

Um. Anyway. Hello, internet! Today, Cardigan Central went on ~*adventures*~! We were supposed to go apple picking last weekend, but it was so fucking hot and humid that we put it off until this weekend. Today was humid, but not quite as hot, so score.

Now, I was looking for the entry about the last time we went apple picking, but I can't find it, so I'll just ~*explain it to you.*~ We went to this place out in Stow and got lost on the way. We ended up passing something the map called "Sid's Airport." We decided this was a fake airport staffed by Barrowman in a pair of sparkly overalls and a fake mustache. (Barrowman, for those of you who are new to the antics of Cardigan Central, is my arch-nemesis and our stalker, since long before we lived together.) The main thing I remember is "Sid" carrying a naked picture of Barrowman around with him and showing it to people and saying, "Don't I look like that Barrowman actor fellow? Isn't he handsome?" or something like that.

ANYWAY. Sid's Airport. It was a hilarious thing.

When we got to the apple orchard last year it was PACKED and we walked around for hours trying to find enough apples to fill our tiny bag. Half our apples ended up being tiny and malformed because it was all that was left. I had to climb trees to get the apples down.

We were expecting something similar, so we purposely planned to go earlier and then got excited when we heard it would rain, figuring fewer people would show up. And we were right! We got to park in the FIRST parking lot (last year we were in the third) and there was no line. It was a little muddy, but that hardly mattered as THERE WERE SO MANY APPLES! We had OUR CHOICE. We could SKIP ENTIRE ROWS/TREES IF WE WANTED.

It was a revelation, guys.

We filled our bag with OUR CHOICE OF APPLES in like, twenty minutes, and that's including the time we wandered aimlessly around being assholes. After that, we headed over to the farm store where we achieved our main objective of buying all the apple cider doughnuts. And some fudge. And some water and cider. And then we hauled all of that and our ten pound bag of apples across the mud path of despair and back to our car. We eventually found the exit (it was really poorly signed, okay?) and made our way back to the road where we made sure to pull over to take a picture of Sid's Airport.

Because... guys. Sid's Airport is like... a stretch of cleared grass marked off by those little orange cones they use for peewee soccer, as near as we can tell. It's HILARIOUS. My god, guys, Sid's poor wife who's leaning out the window shouting, "SID, IT'S THREE IN THE MORNING! COME BACK INTO THE HOUSE!" while Sid is like, "I NEED TO WAVE THEM IN FOR A LANDING!"

Sid doesn't even have a plane, guys, you have to bring your own plane if you want to use it. It's AMAZING.

On the way home, we stopped at Stop'n'Shop where we tried to buy all the baking supplies and vaseline, but couldn't find vaseline and forgot eggs, so we mostly failed. We got the vaseline somewhere else and went to our Stop'n'Shop when we got home to get eggs and butter and then I took a nap while Becca... did something, I don't know, I was asleep.

Now I'm am on ANOTHER ADVENTURE. I am dying my hair with the Lush henna dye. Everyone on the Lush website was bitching about how messy and complicated and smelly it was, but I think they just have never dyed their own hair before. It was a lot less messy than dying my hair with chemicals is and it smells LOADS better. So now I just have to sit around with my head wrapped in plastic for another four hours. I WILL REPORT BACK THE RESULTS, GUYS.

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, cardigan central, sid's airport

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