"so maybe hats make him irish and gimp masks make him speak magic german."

Sep 10, 2011 17:57

Hello, internet!

First off, hello new people!

Who the hell are you people? Seriously?

Um, ahaha, anyway, while I was at con I somehow collected so many new people! I'm a little shocked, honestly. So I figured this would be as good a time as any to address how I use LJ.

If someone friends me and I recognize their LJ name, I generally add them back. If I don't recognize their name and their journal is blank or hasn't been updated in an age, I generally don't? But I WILL. If you want. I just don't auto-add unless I know someone-ish? SO. If you've added me recently and I haven't added you back and you WANT to be added (I honestly don't lock anything except for mental health whining, which I don't expect anyone else to read anyway), this would be the time to comment and let me know! Same with people who added me when I was away at con.

ALSO, if you're new in general, let's chat! I tend to mostly post daily boring stuff and sometimes fandom stuff, but I like to ~*get to know*~ people on my flist and shit like that. SO TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOU. I will oblige by telling you a little about me.

My name is Kaitlyn but I go by "Kait" both online and off. I live with mcwonthelottery in an apartment dubbed "Cardigan Central" after an AU Torchwood fic that we used to write together. I just got a job as an administrative assistant for two departments of a company that provides mental health services throughout my state. I work with brilligspoons who also (clearly) lives locally, but not with me and Becca. Sorry if there was confusion there, new people!

I like gin and dinosaurs and bad movies. I'm a lesbian with weird exceptions. I know more about horror movies than any person probably should. Same goes for children's literature. My father was a fanboy and my mother is incredibly tolerant of his craziness and mine. I have a younger brother whom I sometimes refer to, who is also some weird combination of nerd and hipster.

What else? What else? I have a degree in creative writing, I'm a New Jersey transplant and miss the Garden State and NYC a LOT, though I'm happy here in the metro-Boston area. I'm poly-fannish, though I only tend to write in one or two fandoms at a time. Domestic fic is my biggest fic-reading kink. I really like shoes. I have eschewed pants nearly entirely, thanks to a closet full of skirts and dresses.

I'm eating pizza for dinner?

Fandom-wise, expect to continue to see a lot about X-Men: First Class, as it still gives me all the feelings. Also, Doctor Who, especially the Ponds and Eleven and ♥ Canton ♥. I won't say I'm done with Torchwood forever, but I'm not watching the new shows and as I really, really do not like Jack Harkness, most of fandom has lost its appeal. But I still love Gwen and Ianto? :D? :D? :D?

Anyway, legit, guys, TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELVES. I am insanely curious as to where you call came from, for one. I am really not that interesting.


So, this week was super busy at work. Between all the shit we had to do and post-con slump and the vague sort of con-crud I had, I went to bed at 9:30 every night and woke up feeling as awful as I did when I went to bed. Yesterday, I finally started to feel more human. Unfortunately, it was the day of the big state meeting we've been prepping for, followed by another meeting, followed by a surprise OTHER meeting, so I spent all day in Worcester and then had to drive two and a half hours home (it's only about an hour away) before enjoying the spoils of the day--gin and the XMFC dvd.

Becca actually watched it with me! I was shocked and impressed! For two people who generally watch the same sort of teevee shows, we have radically different tastes in movies. But she even kept the asshole comments to a minimum, or at least kept them funny and not rude.

(This is a good time for a PSA: Guess who's allowed to mock my life choices? Becca. Guess who's not? Anyone else. So fucking shut it already, would you, rest of the internet? Yes, I'm in this fandom. It makes me happy. I don't appreciate the rude little comments about how shit the movie is and how you don't get my enjoyment of it.)

Anyway. After XMFC we finished the Avengers cartoon (Tony once again avoided learning a lesson by using technology to save the day) and then watched the shitty Disney-rip-off Pinocchio, which is our favorite of these shitty-Disney-rip-offs so far! We laughed so hard, and it wasn't entirely because we were drunk.

Today we slept late and then watched Blood Creek, which is another zombie Nazi movie that's randomly been in my queue forever. I discovered the other day that Fenderbender is in it, so I decided we HAD to watch it this weekend. It was no where near as good as the other zombie Nazi movie, but it's hard to top that one. It was fucking awesome.

Anyway, here's an abbreviated Bad Movie Weekend for you:

For those new to Bad Movie Weekend, we have a Formula that we apply to bad movies. One of the archetypes we use is known as "The Barrowman" thanks to Barrowman's role in the awful Shark Attack 3.

pocky_slash: "I'm glad this is like the Nazi Scientist Exchange program and these people just got the bottom of the barrel. 'The Occult is kinda like science? Right?'"
mcwonthelottery: "'He has a lot of notebooks. That counts. And a robe is kind of like a lab coat.'"

mcwonthelottery: "Oh, THAT'S why they let him come. He sent a check. They're like, 'Of course you can come! And bring more checks!"

mcwonthelottery: "Should I start drinking at 3 o'clock in the afternoon?"

mcwonthelottery: "Let's see how Irish Fassbender becomes in this. He just puts on a hat and becomes Irish. I just want him to wear the Magneto helmet in everything."

pocky_slash: "I'm glad he's traveling with his skeleton. It truly makes him an occult scientist."

pocky_slash: "::hysterical laughter::"
mcwonthelottery: "I'm glad Fassbender read this script and was like, 'I'm already on a plane. I'll bring my own wardrobe--I have a lot of experience playing suave German motherfuckers.'"

pocky_slash: "Is he speaking German or magic?"

pocky_slash: "I'm glad he keeps taking his hand OFF the squirting wound. He missed the first day at EMT school."

mcwonthelottery: "I'm glad he's just like, 'Come into my house, small children, to get the candy.'"
pocky_slash: "While EMT dad is just sitting at the truck being like, 'It's cool. Take as long as you need.'"
mcwonthelottery: "'If they put anything in your mouth, just be cool. Pretend it's candy.'"

mcwonthelottery: "He became a caveman?!"

pocky_slash: "Good thing he showered and shaved. Otherwise there'd be one attractive guy and one ugly guy and this is America--we can't have that."

pocky_slash: "Wait, why was the nerd coming? Because he's not there now."
mcwonthelottery: "Just take cool pictures while we row by your house, okay?"

mcwonthelottery: "That doesn't make sense because neither of these guys are Barrowman. I think Fassbender is Barrowman. Zombie Nazi Barrowman. That's the worst thought I've ever had in my life. Anti-Semitic Barrowman who can't die and wants to fuck everything."

mcwonthelottery: "Good thing your brought your EMT kit to kill these people. And good thing Rabies vaccine is just labeled 'Rabies Vaccine.'"

pocky_slash: "Oh, he missed him so much he wants to hug him!"
mcwonthelottery: "They're gonna hug it out! Awww! That's how you kill zombies--with hugs!"

mcwonthelottery: "He's got a very nice key collection!"
pocky_slash: "I know, right? I'd like that."
mcwonthelottery: "It's a good thing to have on a zombie, because you can hear it coming, like a cat!"

Chick from Movie: "Why did you come here?"
pocky_slash: "I...actually never got the whole story."
mcwonthelottery: "I was told not to ask any questions."

pocky_slash: "OH! The dog bite! I was like, 'When did he get shot-gun blasted in the arm?'"
mcwonthelottery: "I know! I was like, 'Who got hit with buckshot?' I'm glad we're just collectively not bright."

pocky_slash: "I'm glad the date is written right on that picture and it's left right out in the open like that."

Dude 1: "Cash or trade?"
Dude 2: "Trade."
mcwonthelottery: "I'll give you twelve jars of urine, fresh, from the finest urine farm in West Virginia!"

mcwonthelottery: "Oh no! Fassbender's coming with his urine truck!"

pocky_slash: "I think Fenderbender's a Nazi Zombie now."
mcwonthelottery: "What the hell? Is he wearing a gimp mask?"
pocky_slash: "Maybe."
mcwonthelottery: "Is is an Irish gimp mask?"

mcwonthelottery: "Fassbender would be all over that movie if we made it. He'd be like, 'I'm already on a plane.' 'Okay, but we only just finished the script. We don't have backers yet. You'll have to sleep on the air mattress.' He'll use it to help prepare for his role."

mcwonthelottery: "Once again, are you speaking magic or German? Or Magic German?"

mcwonthelottery: "Oh, he turned the horse into a zombie because he loves it! He's like, 'All the zombie animals! I'm making a zombie farm!'"
pocky_slash: "More profitable than his urine farm, probably."
mcwonthelottery: "Yeah, and more profitable than that theme park that turned boys into donkeys."

pocky_slash: "Ugh, really? You deserve to die. I hope Fenderbender feasts on your endtrails."

pocky_slash: "So maybe hats make him Irish and gimp masks make him speak Magic German."
mcwonthelottery: "This is a very strange disorder you have, Fassbender."

Chick in Movie: "Everything I know I learned from these books."
pocky_slash: "They're all in Magic German!"
mcwonthelottery: "Damn you!"

pocky_slash: "What? This movie is 33% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes? What? What? What? I'm making a list of reviewers I can never trust again. Oh--nevermind. There are only six reviews and two of them are sort of okay, so they average."
mcwonthelottery: "Two reviews? So, Fassbender and the director's mom?"

pocky_slash: "Was the removal of the gimp mask supposed to... scare us?"
mcwonthelottery: "I don't know what it was supposed to do besides show he has a really sweaty head."

pocky_slash: "Oh, he's speaking English again? I guess the gimp mask really was the key to the Magic German."

mcwonthelottery: "Calm your mind, bro."

mcwonthelottery: "You're bleeding mustard, bro. What did that accomplish?"
pocky_slash: "Oh! Remember, the third eye? At the eclipse? i guess he's... making room for it?"
mcwonthelottery: "Okay. That makes sense. Which is a sentence I never wanted to utter about this movie."

pocky_slash: "He's just pouring out the cocaine stored inside the bones?"

pocky_slash: "The sad thing is, this is better than about half the movies I've watched on Netflix."

pocky_slash: "Is she just shoving the bone cocaine into his wounds?"
mcwonthelottery: "I guess."
pocky_slash: "As an EMT, he knows exactly how hygienic that is."
mcwonthelottery: "Obviously."

pocky_slash: "Really movie? Really? Really? Really?"

mcwonthelottery: "Fassbender's all trapped between two dudes and writhing and he's still like, 'Not the gayest thing I've done.'"

pocky_slash: "I'm so glad all the documentation Hitler sent was in English."

pocky_slash: "This is so tragic for him! First she was underage and then she managed to be the perfect age for like, a second, and now she's too old."
mcwonthelottery: "Womp womp."

mcwonthelottery: "All these people are like, 'Oh nooo! Where will we buy urine now?'"

pocky_slash: "Oh, the farms make a swastika! That's convenient!"


Finally, my XMFC partner in crime, brilligspoons is hosting a multifandom ficathon for female characters! It's going to be awesome! So you should go over and join!

Join us over at ladies_fest, where all the fandom ladies kick ass, take names, and don't let anyone stand in their way!
Prompting starts 17 September 2011!

So, check it out, dudes! It will be good times!

work: office girl, pimping, rl blathering, quotes, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, bad movie weekend, me

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