con is where the heart is

Sep 05, 2011 22:56

Or something.

I'M HOME, GUYS. And exhausted. And it's going to be a fucking busy week at work. BUT I'M HOME.

I'll work on a full write-up this year, I promise (hold me to it, guys!), but it was an amazing con. It was really emotionally charged for a lot of reasons, but it was probably the best con ever, even if I spent most of Sunday as a big ball of feelings and shaking and shit. It was mostly in a good way?

But clearly I met Mark Sheppard and also stood up and spoke my mind at the Gay Themes in Who panel. And I spent loads of time with the lovely ladies of Casa de Fangirl and Florida and my awesome roomies. I spoke with GDL a couple times (including a mutual fan appreciation moment) and met some XMFC fangirls for dinner and saw Mark Sheppard at a ton of panels. I did two of the three costumes I packed and went to today's Troll*Con panel. I got stuck in the skywalk with Misha Collins, but failed to tell him what an asshole his brother is. I didn't spend all that much money in the dealer's room (hardly any at all!) and I spent less on food than I was expecting (probably because there were two days I forgot to eat until like, 2:30 in the afternoon).

As always, I wish I could have seen more people and done more things, but it was a great con and I'm gutted that I have to go back to the real world tomorrow.

(And, spoiler alert, everyone who knows me IRL is going to have to hear me talk about Mark Sheppard non-stop for the next fifteen weeks. I would apologize in advance, but I'm not actually sorry about it.)

I skimmed my flist, but I haven't read since Thursday afternoon. If you've posted anything you want me to see--fic, meta, polls, important ~*life updates*~, let me know and please drop a link in the comments. I want to read that shit. I don't mean to offend anyone by not going back and reading everything in detail, but I'm exhausted and emotionally run-down and in the midst of post-con slump and I'm going to be busy as hell this week, so I just don't have time.

I will leave you with this:

Good night, internet! I missed you!

pics, mark sheppard confuses me, dragoncon 11, friends

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