this entire entry is totally tmi, but there you have it.

Aug 31, 2011 10:29

Super TMI about girly things like periods and vaginas and puking, so if you're not into hearing me talk about my uterus, don't click the cut.

SO. My period and I have a very contemptuous relationship as it is. I have terrible cramps every month that normally leave me puking at least once. It's gotten slightly better in the past few months. Now I usually puke and then feel well enough to at least function at my desk job with the help of alternating rounds of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen (it's a great system--take two pills every hour and a half and you always have at least two of the drugs in your system) and my prescription pain killers. When I was working at the Bookstore and on my feet all day, I frequently had to call out sick or leave early.

Anyway, the point is, my period and I already don't get along and now I'm having MORE problems. Starting... in May or maybe April, I've had what's either a chafing problem or an allergic reaction. The last couple days of my period, parts of the interior of my vag and labia get swollen and sore. Not like a yeast infection--it's only a tiny area and it's the same every month and it's not quite THAT annoying. But it usually lasts until a couple days after my period. I have to be careful when I'm doing anything down there and even sitting in certain ways can irritate it.

Now, if I had health insurance, I'd have gone to the gyno. But I don't and I'm too lazy to go to PP with something that only happens four days a month. It's gotten a little worse each month and since there's only one more month until I have health insurance, I've decided to wait it out. I feel like, whether it's chafing or an allergy, it's linked to tampons, so I'm doing my best to avoid using tampons this month, especially since con is the end of this week and I don't want to be uncomfortable while running around.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Pads are disgusting.

I started my period when I was eleven-ish. I couldn't properly put a tampon in until I was fifteen-ish. HOW THE HELL DID I SURVIVE FOR THOSE FOUR YEARS? I have a heavy, sort of awkward flow and this whole pad thing is kind of gross and smelly and ridiculous. I mean, I'm used to wearing one--because of my heavy flow, I usually double up a tampon with a thin pad in case I can't get somewhere to change it. But wearing one while it's--for lack of a better term--active is just... not cool. Thankfully, I should be done by Friday, but this is just... misery. And gross. And...people do this? Every month? Why?

(And, yes, I know, use one of those reusable cups. I'm thinking about it, especially if this is an allergy, so don't, you know, take this as an opportunity to preach at me. Yes, it changed your life, yes, you can never imagine wearing a tampon again, I get it and I've heard it XD)

Anyway, this means that as soon as I get insurance again, I'm scheduling a gyno AND an allergy appointment so I can nip this in the bud, so to speak.

Anyway, sorry for all you new people. Welcome to my LJ! Now you know more about my vagina than you probably want!


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