oh. my. god.

Aug 25, 2011 21:32

SO. I am super tired but I wanted to force myself to make a post before bed. I'm having crazy new job anxiety, even though everyone keeps telling me I'm doing fine. Like, today at lunch, my new boss asked the guy I'm replacing, "Do you have any concerns about how training is going?" and he was like, "Just that I think Kaitlyn thinks she's a shitshow even though the rest of us are all super confident that she's competent."

He might not have used those exact words, but that was the gist of it.

ANYWAY, it's also crazy pollen-y and crazy pressure-y, so I haven't been sleeping well even WITHOUT the anxiety, so I think I've really been a pleasure to be around this week. But, whatever, this is all lead-up so that you will understand how epically cool this thing was to make my day go from awful to awesome.




It's by shaliara and you can read more about it in this post of her tumblr!

LOOK AT THIS FUCKING THING, GUYS. Look at the detail, their expressions, the wrinkles in their clothing, THE HAND LETTERED TITLE. Oh my god. Seriously. This is AMAZING.

And she says she's doing MORE and I maybe died a little and made high pitched noises.


Also, a few hours before that, Texts From Xavier Academy recced the same fic and like, nine gazillion people read that damn thing, so I kind of quietly freaked out in the office when brilligspoons showed me. OH MAN. WHAT. EVEN. WAS. TODAY.

So, I guess, in summary, I'm just pretty... wow about the whole thing. (Shut up, "wow" is totally a legitimate mood.) This is... pretty cool :D

Anyway, AS A TREAT, here is a little tiny out-of-context (and liable to be edited and changed as I work on it) snippet from the sequel to "No Yesterdays on the Road," which is in progress but momentarily side-lined as we work on our big bang:

"I'm not seeing things!" Charles shouts. His voice is as close to anger as Erik has ever heard it and he has to resist the urge to take a defensive step back. He raises his hands, a cautious barrier between the two of them.

"I never said you were," he says slowly.

"I know your opinions on the children's claims," Charles says. He crosses his arms and then uncrosses them and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Until recently, they were your opinions too," Erik says.

"That may be so, but perhaps I was too quick to judge. Perhaps we both were."

Erik is torn between thinking that Charles is attempting to apply a legitimacy to the earlier incidents in order to feel more confident in his own and thinking that if Charles has seen it, it must be true. He's not entirely comfortable with how much weight Charles' opinions have these days.

"You're saying the house is haunted," Erik says flatly. He expects Charles to either scoff or lash out again, but instead he hesitates and licks his lips.

"Not...the house," he says.

Erik waits patiently for the explanation.

"I...the thing...the ghost...it's not someone who's ever been in the house," Charles says.

"You recognize it?" Erik asks.

"Yes," Charles admits so softly Erik almost doesn't hear him.

To be continued? :D? :D? :D?


SO. I need to do an update about the new job and the hurricane and con and t-shirt making and how "The Last Enemy" is the prequel to Sherlock and many other things. But that won't be tonight. SO STAY TUNED.

no yesterdays on the road, work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, art for me!

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