"haha, tricked you! we're married now!"

Aug 20, 2011 19:25

Hiiii internet!

SO. Friday was my first day at work and it was a LOT of information, but I think it'll be okay. There's one woman who I can tell is going to be something of a trial, but she means well, she's just not a great communicator, so we'll see. I vacillate wildly between absolute terror and being like, "THIS WILL BE EASY." It helps that brilligspoons is ~*right there*~ if I need to make scared faces.

I have this one full week to train with the guy I'm replacing and then I'm on my own and at this second, that sounds fine, but five seconds from now, who knows.

I still need to work out my commute. Getting there is fine, but there has to be a simpler way to get home, guys.


In other news, today we got up early enough to go to the Farmer's Market, which is nice in theory, but it was humid as fuck, so mostly it just started off our epic litany of bitching for the rest of the day. We also went for-real grocery shopping and, in case I haven't said it here before, I think the people who are in the store with us when we are grocery shopping are ~*forever changed*~ by the experience. Today we almost bought a Jesus Candle from the Jesus Candle aisle in an effort to Jesus away the bugs living in our kitchen.

The rest of the day was devoted to bitching, "cleaning," drinking wine with crazy straws, and watching knock-off Disney movies on Netflix. Also, looking at pictures of McAvoy on Tumblr (specifically on the "wtf r u doin, mcavoy??" tumblr, which is basically the greatest thing to ever exist because...his stupid goober face.) and attempting to write. Maybe I will do some more of that after I eat food, something I have accidentally avoided for most of today. Whoops?

(Oh, and I spent an obnoxious amount of time vanity-googling myself. Good times, good times.)


I'm rewatching Eureka. Have I mentioned that? Um, in any case, I'm doing that. And it's reminding me how much I used to love this adorable fucking show and almost everyone on it. I used to hate Stark and Fargo both, but this time through I'm finding that I like Stark a little bit more (he's still an ass and I still wish the Stark/Allison plotline would disappear and make way for more immediate Jack/Allison) and I hate Fargo even more. Basically I spend each episode making heart eyes at everyone and shouting, "DIE IN A FIRE, FARGO" because I'm a bad person.

We also started watching Misfits, which mcwonthelottery has already seen a million times, but just burned onto dvd for more accessible viewing. I got Kings in the mail yesterday as well, but I need to not be drunk and giggling to watch it, so this weekend hasn't been a great time for that.


Okay. Food and writing. Tomorrow brilligspoons is going to the craft store with us so we can make awesome dorky XMFC t-shirts and mcwonthelottery can mock us. IT WILL BE AWESOME.

I leave you with my favorite ridiculous picture of McAvoy's stupid goober face.

work: office girl, teevee, cardigan central, mcavoy has a stupid goober face

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