so many things. some of them are about mutants. some of them are not.

Aug 10, 2011 17:55

So, I had my second interview for a job today. I was super anxious and ridiculous when I left this morning, but I think it maybe went okay? I was really nervous, but the first guy I met with was chill and seemed to take my craziness in stride. I hope. It helped, I think, that I had met with him before when I WASN'T a basketcase.

ANYHOW. Afterward, brilligspoons bought me lunch and let me decompress and squeed with me over their fucking faces. (They have good faces, guys. Even McAvoy's stupid goober face is pretty good.) Then I came home and ate an ice pop and started going over the beta notes for my crazy stupid epic fic (thaaaaaanks kaydeefalls! But you will have to rip my preferred sibilant possessive out of my cold, dead hands XD) and decided, instead, to watch a terrible movie.


I have another interview on Friday and also writing group and also it's bad movie weekend, so it'll be ~*crazy town*~ around here.


Yesterday, I fell asleep watching The Fog on Netflix and mcwonthelottery came home at some point during it. I woke up near the end, sort of, and spent like, fifteen minutes giving a kind of half-asleep rambling on the background/history of The Fog and how it related to Carpenter's other horror films.

Kait: The thing about The Thing is--
Becca: Do you even realize you're giving me like, the opening lecture of your horror movie 101 class?
Kait: Oh. I just... you know, it's interesting. Even though you don't care.
Becca: You're right, I don't.
Kait: .........okay, but, just, the thing about The Thing is that ET opened like, two weeks before it, so people didn't want to see a movie about, you know, awful evil aliens....

She loves me. She has to, otherwise she would have smothered me in my sleep months ago, probably.


GUYS, THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. Where's all the Alex/Armando fic? I can't have read all of it already. (Well, okay, I may have. Reading XMFC fic is basically my full time job right now and I am very good at it. I hardly ever slack off.) I need all of it in my life. For... research. Yes. That's it.

(Also, if any Raven/Angel exists outside of Carpe Brewski, I would be all over that, too. Just, fyi.)


Okay, I guess this is the legit important part. I've seen the "In defense of Raven" and "In defense of Moira" posts going around Tumblr and I am ALL ABOUT THAT SHIT, MAN. Moira's my girl. Raven is my second girl, after Moira, because Moira's my girl and I can't have two girls. I mean, I could. That would actually be pretty hot. But, you know. Anyway.

I am all about that shit. Obviously. But, of course, I started stressing out that I didn't do Moira justice in my epic. And also none of the other girls are really in it, etc. Like, okay, really, I recognize that I am really probably not the problem here (especially since I went back and thought about it and realized that NONE OF THE BOYS HAVE SPEAKING LINES IN MY EPIC, and all the girls do, so chill the fuck out, Kaitlyn), but it caused me considerable angst for a while last night. Then I talked to Margaret this morning and she had the same problem with a story she was working on (which is like, not in the least bashing, it's just Raven being overprotective) and we commisterated about how jerky people who say douchey things about the girls make us feel bad about ourselves even though we LOVE the girls.

BUT. I did have one, you know, sort of legit thought in all of this:

I know I'm guilty of jokingly doing this too, guys, but you can't blame a character for unintentional cockblocking. I don't even know if unintentional cockblocking can actually be deemed legit cockblocking. I feel like the intent needs to be there.

So. Even if the boys WERE about to kiss during the satelitte scene, Moira leaning out the window to shout for them without realizing that's what they were about to do? That's not legit cockblocking, okay? That's poor timing, sure, but not malicious.

You want to know what IS malicious and cockblocking and intentional? Erik popping in on Raven and Hank about to kiss, just because he's a giant fucking troll who likes bringing misery and ruining boners.

The moral of this being, of course, that Erik is the true cockblocker in First Class and anyone trying to keep him from boning Charles is karmic justice.

Or something.


I have watched The Guild like, three times in the past week. I don't know why. I mean, it's awesome. But I only meant to season four so I could refresh before catching up on season five, but then seasons one, two, and three were just sitting there, asking to be watched, and now it's been five days and they've all been watched multiple times.

I related a little too strongly to Codex, sometimes.


Okay, back to editing. Or reading fic. Or something.

margaret, quotes, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, job w0es

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