break me off a piece of that applesauce!

Aug 03, 2011 22:34

Hello, internet.

I'm trying to get back into LJing all the time. I really am. Mostly for me, to be honest. I like being able to see what I'm up to at any particular point in my history. But, you know, stuff's been working against me. Even writing THIS post has basically taken me three days. At first I didn't want to post until I had responded to all my outstanding comments and also all the posts I had open in tabs, but when LJ went down, I ended up with like, twelve tabs (not counting fic) and no way to comment, so I eventually just closed them all. So... if you posted between last Sunday (like, the 24th) and now, I'm sorry, but LJ screwed you out of comments from me.

And I owe SO MANY comments. Mostly on fic. But. You know. I'll get to it?

There's also really nothing new to report. I mean, there is--I'm gearing up to make a mental health update/"I'm sorry I'm a terrible friend" post, but I want to flock that, so this... isn't it. But outside of that, there is very little of any excitement in my life. X-Men: First Class continues to take over my life. In specific, Daycare Verse is basically all I think about. The amount we've written for it/want to write for it is... a little scary, I think. And I'm honestly kind of shocked at how popular it is, given it is essentially a conflict free world where everyone loves each other. I know how fandom feels about angst, man, and there's very little of that here.

So... all mutants all the time, basically. I'm shocked mcwonthelottery hasn't smothered me in my sleep yet. (I still love you best! More than mutants! I mean, probably! I haven't really thought about it but, I'm like, 98% sure you would come out on top of mutants. Or maybe more like 95%. But definitely in the high nineties!)


I did see some people! And that was amazing! My friend Ivy was in town for her daughter's 16th birthday, so I hung out with them on Thursday and Friday. Thursday we had dinner and chatted and I waited with them on TKTS for Catch Me If You Can tickets, then met eldarwannabe for coffee. (She is awesome, btw, and con is gonna be insane. I just hope there's time for more long talks in between, you know, the insanity. I might have to be drunk for the gay themes in Who panel this year, guys.)

I went home, after, and met up with Ivy and her sister and daughter against on Friday and Ivy and I saw Cap while the others went lingerie shopping XD

It was okay! I enjoyed it! I certainly didn't feel like it was a waste, but I kept thinking of it as set-up for the Avengers movie more than anything else. I thought the kid playing Steve was good and I loved Peggy a lot. Howard Stark was the star for me. I would fuck him so hard, you don't even know. I know that makes me a terrible lesbian (and terrible woman), but I don't care. Like, if Tony Stark were all, "Hey! ::waggles eyebrows::" I would be like, "Well... I guess. Why not?" But Howard Stark? He'd barely have time to waggle an eyebrow, that's how fast I'd be on him.

Um, in non-fucking-the-Starks territory, I thought the fight scenes were gratuitious and too long. My limited understanding of the comics canon left me kind of confused about Bucky at first (and all my friends assured me that I wasn't crazy, movie!Bucky was kind of an amalgamation of two characters in comics canon), but I liked him well enough too. I think I was more interested in the politics of the whole thing than the fighting?

But overall, I enjoyed it and I'm so glad I got a chance to see it. Thanks, Ivy ♥

After the movies, we headed back to the hotel and sat in the lobby and talked for HOURS. I finally left to catch the PATH back to New Jersey at like, three in the morning. And it still wasn't enough :( I wish Ivy lived closer :(

But I'm glad I got to see her when I did! And that I got to meet Winter, who is ADORABLE and wonderful and I kind of want to put her in my pocket.


I spent two days doing family things (and going to Pier One and tweeting pictures at mcwonthelottery) and then on Monday, harmonyangel came up!


It's been weird since Jen moved to Wisconsin and I moved here. I had just started taking advantage of our proximity when we left and it sucks to not be able to be like, "JEN. I'M PLAYING HOOKEY. LET'S DO MONSTER GOLF!"

But we had lunch in a diner and then headed out for Monster Golf! I missed Monster Golf, guys. We danced along with the music and were awful at golf and talked and it was pretty great. Then we headed back home where we talked some more and watched terrible fanvids and some episodes of X-Men Evolution. JUST LIKE OLD TIMES.

Quote dump:

pocky_slash: "I'm glad 'legit six' is a real accomplishment for two girls in their twenties."

harmonyangel: "I have a piece of fanart on my computer--I don't know how it got here--of Evolution Scott and Avalanche making out."

pocky_slash: [Scott is sitting at the kitchen table, watching the news and eating chocolate chip cookies he's neatly dunking in milk] "Scott Summers, be more Scott Summers. I dare you to do something more Scott Summers than that."
harmonyangel: "Well, it could be broccoli. Cookies are a 'sometimes' food."

pocky_slash: "I'm glad they changed into their uniforms while driving down the street in Scott's convertible."
harmonyangel: "That tollbooth guy is really getting a show tonight!"

harmonyangel: "You can only travel to Asteroid M via Magneto's balls."

harmonyangel: "Oh no, the tentacles pulled me into Magneto's balls!"

pocky_slash: "I guess he skipped right from taking over a high school to Asteroid M. The high school superintendent world domination route was going too slowly."

harmonyangel: "Oh my god, Chuck!"
pocky_slash: "You sassy bitch!"
(I have to find a YouTube clip of the scene that caused that. It is AMAZING.)

harmonyangel: "Really, boys? You're gonna cause a plane crash? Cause you don't have any PTSD about that or anything."

harmonyangel: "The first dude was named Reynolds. I never gave him a first name. I just assumed Logan was fucking Nathan Fillion."

harmonyangel: "I keep looking at that bear and imagining Angel killing it."

Then Jen left and I was attacked by a spider cricket and went to bed and then drove home on Tuesday morning. We had writing group Tuesday night and brilligspoons and I made headway on daycare shit and then I came home to a metonymy in my house. Becca and I introduced her to Is It Real?. And Becca decided to hoard invisible bigfoots.

Today I had an interview and wrote a bunch of things. And now I am all caught up.


I'm going to reward myself with cake and then go back to writing things. HOW ARE YOU DOING, FLIST? Did you survive LJ's downtime? Would you like some cake?

ivy is the best, nj!jen, quotes, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, el jay, movies, friends

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