back to new jersey! + meme! + stuff, i guess

Jul 21, 2011 15:39

So, as I said last week, I'll be back in NJ and in the NYC area next week! Now I have more concrete dates, however.

I'll be rolling into NJ either Wednesday night or Thursday morning and leaving Monday evening or Tuesday morning. So that's a good four or so days. I will be spending some of it with my family, probably mostly on Saturday and Sunday, so if anyone is going to be around that Thursday, Friday, or Monday and wants to hang, let me know! I miss you guys ♥


shoiryu posted this meme and I thought, "What the hell?"

Print screen your current desktop.
If you have Photoshop open, print screen.
If you have a music player open, print screen.
Pick a folder, open it, print screen.

My wallpaper is the last strip of the last mini-storyline from Girls With Slingshots, Jamie and Erin at the beach in the rain ♥ Also, it's cleaner than usual because I pulled off all my teevee shows and movies over the weekend.

I don't have Photoshop open very frequently, but here's GoogleDocs. It's the big Moira and Erik story, obvs.

I also don't listen to music on my computer much (usually I use my iPod either in my car or in my iPod dock), but I wanted to listen to this song the other day and never closed iTunes.

Here's the first folder I saw! It contains pictures of hilarious cardigans and also hilarious inside jokes!


So, brilligspoons and I have decided that James McAvoy and Ian McKellen need to be our best friends. I... can't exactly remember how it came about. I think it started because James McAvoy is obviously a giant dorkface goober who would enjoy making "Team Divorce Never Happened" t-shirts with us (and "Team Raven and Moira Are Cooler Than All the Rest of You Assholes" badges) while drinking a lot. I think Sir Ian got involved when we were like, "Also, we'll troll fandom like total winners" and clearly, if anyone is up for trolling X-Men movie fandom, it's Sir Ian, who will class us up by bringing better liquor.

So, yeah, that happened. Good times.


Lots of comments in response to my last entry. I'm still kind of shocked that so many people were annoyed with Sara for snooping so I guess I don't really have much to say in response, save for a rehash of the points I already made in my post. I guess I understand those of you are who are like, "NEAL'S PRIVACY!!" but at the same time, CONVICTED CRIMINAL and POSSIBLY COMPLICIT IN A CRIME, so I'm still on Team Sara. Sorry guys. I guess that means none of you should date me :P


I'm watching Daybreakers, which is a vampire movie starring Ethan Hawke and it's actually pretty good! And Ethan is well-dressed!

We won't talk about his hair.


Time to flip the laundry and go back to fic writing.

margaret, meme, white collar, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, team sara, new jersey!

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