
Jul 07, 2011 18:15

And sometimes, weird shit happens.

I was in Panera, trying to write (fruitlessly) and reading fic (less fruitlessly) and this woman about my mom's age comes over, probably because I have a Mac, and asks if I can help her with her iPhone. She'd just gotten it and the salesman had handed her a sheet of paper about how to set up her contacts and it might as well have been in Etruscan. She needed to call her husband, to go down and meet him at the Cape, but she didn't remember his number and she didn't understand how to install her old contacts.

I offered to help, but what I thought would be a simple process quickly spiraled into half an hour of setting up an account, retrieving passwords, downloading contacts, fixing settings, and all sorts of other minutiae. She kind of reminded me of... not my mom, but one of my aunts, and I honestly didn't mind. I like helping people, you know? And part of the problem of my MASSIVE crazypants lately is not interacting with other human beings. It's why I forced myself to scrape together enough quarters to go out and buy a cup of coffee today.

Anyway, it's always nice, feeling useful. And trusted. And I spent most of today feeling the opposite, so it was... needed, I suppose.

I'm not getting much done here; I spent most of today just moping in a slightly more socially acceptable way. But I guess, at least, I'm glad I came.

rl blathering, slanty face

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