Joni: I really want that fic where they all get together to raise baby!Nightcrawler, now!
Margaret: Me too! So much!
Kait: me.... too... but.... In my head it's this cracked out thing now. Where Raven comes to Erik and is like, "I'm pregnant, Azazel's gone, I need help" and Erik's like, "What the hell?! Why the fuck would you come to me with that?!" and Raven's like, "But you and Charles basically raised us!" and Erik's like, "That was all Charles!
I tried to stab you all with spoons! Charles was the one who actually did stuff! I can't raise a kid!" and Raven's like, "Then we'll call Charles!" and Erik's like, "I CAN'T CALL CHARLES! It was in the terms of the divorce! DID THAT LOOK AMICABLE TO YOU?!"
Joni: Why are you not writing that right now?
Margaret: Take out your phone!
I think it's probably funnier with my hand gestures.