Jun 11, 2011 19:11

So, I finally saw X-Men: First Class yesterday.

Soooooooo, I was raised on X-Men comics, sort of. My dad's a nerd, obvs, and I get my fannish leanings from him. When the 90s X-Men cartoon was on, it was my dad who was insistent on taping every episode and preserving them. We watched with him and I read his comics (he subscribed by mail at that time; we were between comic shops.) occasionally. As I got older, I started reading regularly, but I guess I stopped around the time Gen X ended.

Anyway, that's all to say that I haven't been reading for the past, you know, ten years or so. My entire personal exposure to X-Men is based very firmly in the 90s. But I love it all the same. And I really love Charles and Erik. I don't know that I exactly shipped them when I was seven, but I just wanted them to be ~*friends again*~ and stop fighting all the time and it was ~*so sad*~!

(Tragedy was kind of a recurring theme in my childhood OTPs.)

Seriously, ask mcwonthelottery--when I re-watch the X-Men cartoon, I spend a third of my time babbling about Chuck and Erik and their date to the Savage Land. (The other third is spent babbling about Scott and Jean and the other third is spent babbling about ~*Hank*~.)

That is all backstory to explain why the only thing I can say about the X-Men movie is ~*OH MY GOD I HAVE ALL THE FEELINGS AND THEY ARE ALL IN MY HEART OH MY GOD.*~

Seriously. As I was watching it, I was like, "I should do a smart commentary on this flick." And I walked out gibbering like an idiot about how ~*SAD*~ it is and how much they ~*LOVE EACH OTHER*~ and how it's just so ~*TRAGIC*~. And I don't have anything else to say about it! I can't write an entry about this movie, because every time I think about it for too long, all I can do is make heart hands for twenty minutes and babble about how much I love everyone.

I loved it, obvs. It's probably my favorite X-Men movie. I want to see it a million more times. The only thing that could be better would be "Chuck and Erik's Date to the Savage Land: The Movie." (Look, re-watching those episodes, their ~*date*~ isn't even particularly remarkable, it just imprinted on me like whoa when I was seven, apparently.) I loved everything about it. I loved that Charles had a relationship with Raven prior to her running off with Erik. I loved finding and training the mutants, I loved how kiddie the kids were, I loved how they were all a hot mess.

I guess, okay, my only real head-scratchy moment was... I know that the movies have all but entirely detached themselves from the comics, but why the frig did they use Moira McTaggart as the CIA chick? Wouldn't it have been just as easy to make her a character in and of herself instead of sticking a canonical X-Men name on her and then having her be nothing like that character (afaik. Maybe Moira had a sekrit CIA backstory that I'm not familiar with in between the time she met Chuck at Oxford and the time she founded Muir Island). The character was pretty cool and I liked having her around, but I don't understand why they were like, "OH, BEE TEE DUBS, THIS IS MOIRA. BUT AMERICAN. AND IN THE CIA."

Um, but that aside, I just had so many feelings about everyone. RAVEN. HANK. DARWIN. SEAN. ALEX (okay, Alex was another "wtf?!" moment when comics and movies didn't gel in my head). CHARLES AND ERIK.

I'm sure there are probably a million issues with the movie that the world at large would like to address, but I just don't care. I'm putting my hands in my ears and singing "LALALALA!!" and ignoring them in favor of my ~*MASSIVELY OVERFLOWING FEELINGS.*~

Um, so, pretty much I just wrote an entire LJ entry explaining why I wouldn't be writing an LJ entry. Hahaha, whoops?


x-men, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, movies

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