My Trip to Casa de Fangirl, by Kaitlyn, age 25 11/12

May 17, 2011 14:30

Internet! How are you?! I'm both bad and good. I'm bad because I am no longer at Casa de Fangirl. Also, I don't feel well. I'm good because I'm back in my house with my bed and my mcwonthelottery.

My weekend at Casa de Fangirl was excellent, however! It started incredibly early, but everything went smoothly. Got to Logan in plenty of time, and the flight was fine. I sat in front of a really adorable family. The layover in Chicago was just the right length of time to eat and rip "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon" into mp4 format so I could upload them onto my iPod. From Chicago to Tulsa, I was on a tiny plane in a row by myself. I spent the entire time re-watching "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon" on my ipod and taking notes for the fic I'm writing on my phone. Cause I'm awesome like that.


After being foiled by a revolving door, I saw Erin! And we hugged! And we had a nice long drive back to Casa de Fangirl, where we talked and talked and talked. Then I got the grand tour and met Sheppard and we talked some more! THEN leiascully CAME HOME! And there was more talking and going out to dinner and making high pitched noises about how they have the best faces.

We also took a drive around town, seeing the sights and buying liquor, which we then came home and consumed while watching S1 of Who.

GUYS, I AM SO HAPPY THAT ERIN AND MARY LOVE NINE. Because I love Nine and Rose SO MUCH and I wanted them to love them too and THEY DID because NINE AND ROSE ARE MADE OF LOVE.

Anyway, we took breaks from watching to drunkenly rant about things, at which point I would drunkenly summarize what we had missed because I have seen these episodes so much I can probably recite them. Then it was bedtime! The next morning we had to get up early since Mary was graduating from grad school. She is now a MASTER KID WRANGLER. Or something. She has fancy sleeves!

Mary and I went out to lunch and Erin stayed home. When we got back, we downloaded and watched "The Doctor's Wife." There was a lot of squeeing and flailing and high pitched noises and clutching of hands to our chests and laughing. We watched more S1 and went for dinner with Mary's Mom and stopped off at the liquor store and then stayed up finishing S1 because... all the love in our hearts ♥

We actually slept in a little on Sunday morning and then watched 6x01-6x03 again while baking a cake and working on various fic we're all writing. While the cake cooled, we visited the library, which is AMAZING. Guys. I can't even describe the library. It was big and inviting and beautiful and... ::hands::

We also went to the craft store to make TEAM ELEVENTY PLUSHIES. omg, they're going to be the most adobrs. We possibly went a little crazy in JoAnn's, but it was THE BEST KIND OF CRAZY. Running around, looking at fabrics and scrapbooking stuff and ALL SORTS OF MARVELOUS THINGS. Squeeing in the aisles! It was WONDERFUL.

Back at Casa de Fangirl, we ate dinner and watched some highlights of the Tennant years of Who, because all of us were a little too Nine/Rose/Jack and Eleven/Amy/Rory/River/Canton crazy to put up with Ten. We hit "School Reunion" and "Blink" and "Partners in Crime" and ate cake. Mary and I started the plushies (two sets--one for Casa de Fangirl and one for Cardigan Central) while Erin made the TARDIS. Eventually it was bed time.

Monday was the saddest :( I said goodbye to Shep and we drove to the airport. We had the saddest Dar Williams sing-along because Mary's iPod was like, Sad Dar City. We stopped at the Quik Trip along the way and were, perhaps, accidentally-on-purpose pretty late. But I made my flight anyway (SIGH), only to be stuck in the layover from hell in DC. It wasn't even that the layover was that long--it was, after all the delays, about four hours and change. But I had been feeling slightly sick all morning and I started having really bad cramps. So, bad cramps, nauseated, stuck in an airport, in so much pain I could barely move... it added up to bad times.

I did eventually get home (Joni was nice enough to pick me up so I didn't have to limp home on the T) to mcwonthelottery, where I regaled her with stories of Casa de Fangirl and eventually went to bed. I had pre-emptively called out of work when I was stuck in DC, which is a good thing, since I woke up still feeling kind of blah and still having cramps :\

There are very few people in the world who get me the way Mary and Erin do and I'm so glad I made the trip, even if it was short :( It was creepy, almost, driving home from the airport with Erin and telling stories about my life with mcwonthelottery and having her say, "OH MY GOD MARY AND I DO THE SAME THING!" And it was so fun to just be there and be uncensoredly nerdy without having to worry about it, but also being able to talk about real life stuff without having to worry about THAT. Guys, I love you, I'm so glad I came ♥

It was also so awesome watching Who with them! Especially Nine, since he was my Doctor and all, and having them LOVE HIM. Oh man. Because I do. Eleven is pretty much my Doctor, now, and Team Eleventy is my Team TARDIS, but Nine and Rose and Nine+Rose+Jack will always hold a special chunk of my heart. For all that the rest of the seasons all kind of, eventually, let me down, S1 was so perfect and amazing and still just makes me SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY. I've watched it so many times and I LOVE THEM and their dynamic. Also, seeing Jack the way he used to be, back when I loved him, kind of helped dial back the RAGING RAGEFUL RAGE that the mere mention of his name brings about these days. I love Ianto and Gwen, but I feel like they can stand on their own, cause Jack really belongs with Nine and Rose.

Kait: "As long as Jack doesn't show up."
Erin: "Why would he? He's off competing in the Intergalactic Debate tournament against Lee Adama and Sam Seaborn. AND LOSING."

Mary: (re: Shep) "Look, when he sleeps on the floor, he leaves little condensation marks!"
Kait: "That's adorable."
Erin: "Thank you for humoring us."

Mary: "Time Lord flame wars are the worst!"

Erin: "Oh my god. Is that--"
Kait: "Yes."
Erin: "We were just rickrolled by Doctor Who!"

Erin: "Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really?"
Kait: "Meet Jack Harkness."
Erin: "Really?"

Mary: "Kait, there's not enough boning in your fic! You need to write more boning! We need to see Jack's penis!"
Kait: "::growly noises, t-rex arms::"
Mary: "Haha, she's never coming here again."

Erin: "[re: Jack] For real?"
Kait: "Yes."
Erin: "::DEEP SIGH::"

Mary: "Why is he lounging? Because he's Jack and he has to be like, 'LOOK AT MY PENIS?'"
Kait: "Yes."

Kait:. "They were just all boning. It was Boning City."

Kait: "People are always saying 'River and Jack are exactly the same!' and I don't get it. I mean, it's really not true, the more you think about it. They're both from the 51st Century. That's about it."
Mary: "They both have very flamboyant personalities, but in different ways. River is an awesome badass who's like, 'Don't fuck with me.' Jack is like..."
Kait: "'Fuck with me.'"

Mary: "They're just boning constantly. I don't know how they even have time to travel. Well, I guess they have a time machine."

Mary: "All right, River, time to fuck the Doctor!"

Erin: from the kitchen "She was right about the batter [being too delicious for its own good]."
Kait: "I'll go... stop her from eating it. ::goes to the doorway of the kitchen and eagerly tries some::"

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, quotes, travel, team eleventy, mary!, erin!, who

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