Mar 29, 2011 21:40
Hello, internet. How are you? Today was marginally better than yesterday, which was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Today, for instance, tax collectors didn't make me cry.
I did, however, start writing this thing... oh man. Guys. I haven't had this much fun writing in a long time. Like, all day at work I kept getting this bigass smile on my face as I worked on it. OH MAN. And it's even going to be porny! I haven't written porn since I started in the Torchwood fandom, except for that one Gwen/Emma fic. Anyway, it makes me happy in my heart.
Um, it might be That Thing You Do! threesome fic. ::shifty eyes:: Um, Faye/Guy/Lenny.
LOOK, INTERNET. STOP JUDGING ME US. We got the extended edition of That Thing You Do! yesterday and we watched it a couple times and our general conclusions were as follows:
1) If possible, I love Lenny, Guy, and Faye and EVERYONE (except Jimmy, who's still a douche) even more.
2) We would watch an additional two hours of drunk!Guy.
3) I love everything about Mr. White and his boyfriend.
4) Jimmy is a douche bag. And in the extended edition, he's a whinier, hissy-fit-throwing douche bag.
5) No, seriously, why did they cut that 39 minutes out? Maybe this is just me with hearts in my eyes for this movie, but there was only one bit where I was like, "Uh, yeah, that was a bit excessive."
Anyway, after spending all night kind of nerdily fangirling over that stupid(ly awesome) movie, I sort of hesitantly broached the subject of how maybe I wanted Lenny, Faye, and Guy to all bone. Then it became, you know, a thing. And I wrote 1500 words of it while at work today. And today was a BUSY day at work.
Good times, good times.
Ugh. Anyway. Going to bed soon, cause, you know, work tomorrow. LAME.
cardigan central,
fic i'm totally not writing