updates from the ice strom

Feb 02, 2011 13:27

WELL. Things are happening.

First off, today is the last day to claim prompts at tw_unpaired. You can do so here and you totally should, because it's the best fest ever.

Anyway, in more personal news, I have another long term temp-gig starting on Monday. It's at the same place I was temping at before and I'm making a whole $1 an hour more. It's not ideal, but, believe me, I'll take it at this point. I won't be working with the same team, but I'll be in the same building and on the same floor. It expands my time to find, you know, a job I actually want as well.

So, today through Sunday are officially vacation days. The last week and a half haven't felt that way, even when I was at home, given that I was majorly stressed about unemployment and money and life, but now that I have the peace of mind to be happy, I am going to give relaxing my all.

Right after I finish my 14valentines essay and reply to those emails....


So, the trip home was nice. I ate a lot of food and spent some time with my folks and saw quatredeathlady. Nicole bought me a present, which was nice of her, and we talked a lot. She ranted at me about her condo/family issues and I ranted at her about fandom. I had pizza and good Chinese food and went to eat at the restaurant my cousin waitresses at, so I saw a whole bunch of my extended family. The restaurant is in the same complex as the Barnes and Noble that daisy_moonstars works at, so I stopped in over there. Jess was off, but Christina, who I worked with at my B&N, was in, so we caught up. On Sunday night, we went to see Spelling Bee at the Paper Mill and a kid I was friends with in high school was playing Chip! The whole show was very good (as usual) and the girl playing Olive was in a wheelchair, which was interesting.

Since I've gotten back, mostly we have watched SGA. We're into S4 now and I geeked out SO HARD over "First Strike"/"Adrift." RODNEY IN THAT SHIRT. ASTEROIDS. RONON AND WEIR. RADEK BEING A BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER. JOHN AND RODNEY'S BOYFRIEND FIGHT. UGH. I LOVE THEM ALL.

Also, Sam! ♥ I'm so excited to get Sam full time! I love Sam!

Anyway, taking a break from that to watch Dial "M" for Murder. I should eat. And put together a post for tonight's 14valentines. And write some fic.

So, yes, I'm going to go do all those things.

family stuff, cardigan central, nicole, sga, theatre, work: temp

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