the way we look to a distant constellation that's dying in the corner of the sky

Jan 15, 2011 12:53

Hello, internet! How are you? I honestly care about your health, internet, and I hope you are well!


As a reminder, tw_unpaired is still accepting prompts and I will probably remind you of that every day for the next eight days. You can leave prompts here and feel free to use the word "prompt" as loosely as you want to. There's some great stuff already there, some stuff that I'm dying to see people write, and the more to choose from, the better!


It is Saturday! Thank god!

Yesterday was the most boring day in the world, ever. I think watching fungus grow would have been more exciting than my day yesterday. For the past few days, my main job for the organization I'm temping for has been to call references for people. The project we're working on needs to be wrapped up by Monday and, in many cases, the last thing we need for each applicant is these references, but we're down to the last handful of people who just won't call us back. I'm not kidding. I've left upwards of six messages for most of these people. Yesterday, I called each reference five times. If I were them, I would just call me back to get me to stop annoying them.

Anyway, since that was all we had to do and we could make our calls in about fifteen minutes, the co-op who sits next to me and I were bored our of our noggins. It was excruciating. Oh man.

But eventually I got to come home where mcwonthelottery was waiting with gin and Being Human S2. I'd only seen snippets of S2 up to this point and Becca warned me that it was a lot darker than S1 but... holy shit. I mean. Holy shit. I kept making pained noises and flailing incoherently at the teevee when things happened.

Also, to my utter SHOCK, my bb George wasn't even a contestant in the Awkward Penguin Contest for the first three episodes! The prize ultimately went to Hugh, but Annie, Mitchell, and Nina were neck and neck for most of it, while George wasn't even on the scoreboard!

(Then, you know, he wrote emo poetry and got right back in the game. That's my George ♥)

Today, I believe we will be gracing Target with our presence, buying curtains, finishing S2 of Being Human and starting S1 of SGA. I'm hoping an SGA rewatch will remind me what I love about SGA (shenanigans! Rodney! John! Teyla! Ford! Ronon! Zelenka! Lorne! Cadman! Jeannie! Sam! Woolsey!) and help me forget what soured me to it (S5! Fandom!).


I keep thinking about D*Con, mostly because I recently started my D*Con fund. I really need to have steady work by the time of con to justify the expense, but I've been putting aside some cash every week to supplement that. Con's my only big vacation every year and mostly I like to go to see all you people.

Anyway, the point is, I'm hoping to get in Thursday night this year, because this whole "Getting up early, flying in Friday morning, registering, doing con stuff all day, and not sleeping until Monday" is not, you know, ideal. And if lots of other people are coming in Thursday and we're not all super tired, perhaps we can gather and play games in my room? I have all these games and no one to play them with because generally I don't like people or being social!

It's a thought and one that I'd have to discuss with my roomies, of course. And a thought that won't be relevant for many, many months, at that!


I've been listening to Graceland pretty much non-stop since I took solsticezero to the airport on Monday morning. I really, really want to write about Gwen and Ianto using "Call Me Al." But I really want to write about ALL of these songs, because they're all so wonderful and mean so much to me. idk.

At this point, let's be honest, I'd like to write anything. Writer's block hurts :(


Anyway, in conclusion, leave prompts for tw_unpaired and vote in the writing chat thingy poll if you are interested in that.

dragoncon 11, being human, work: temp, paul simon, rl blathering, tw_unpaired, cardigan central, sga

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