2011 is still filled with douchebags

Jan 01, 2011 17:21

So, here is 2011 so far:
+ People still run out into traffic
+ People still don't know how to use parking lots
+ People are still jerks on the internet

I kind of hoped everyone would wake up this morning and be like, "SHIT! I've been a DICK! I can't believe it!" and immediately change their ways, but there you have it.


Anyway, 2011 also has new underwear and free drinks from Panera, so it's not all bad.

Some things:

neurotictealeaf wrote Sam/Will NYE kisses! AND DANCING! AND ELSIE WEARING THAT DRESS! It makes me happy in my heart. I read it like, six times in a row. I LOVE SAM AND WILL, GUYS. OMG. SO MUCH.

lizzledpink wrote Sherlock/John NYE kisses, which was also adorbs and hilaroius!

Someone on the weltonacademy community was looking for one of my old Dead Poets Society fics and says it's one of her favorites ever and that made me feel pretty good. It's five years old and you can kind of tell that I've grown a lot as a writer, but I still like it a lot.

ALSO! The other day leiascully wrote Gwen, Ianto, Rhys, and Duarte starting their big American roadtrip the other day, even though she's not even in Torchwood fandom. BECAUSE MARY IS THE BEST! :D


That's all for the moment. I'm going to try and write some words now or something.

mary!, rec, rachael, friends

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