end of the year writing meme

Dec 27, 2010 13:32

I was going to hold off on doing this to see if I could finish the last two fics I'm trying to complete by the 31st, but I'll just tack them onto the end if I do, I think.

By the way, this is ONLY FIC. No original stuff.

Total number of posted stories:
Full fic: 29
Ficlets: 66
cardigan_verse: 22
Total word count: 182425

January: 13300
Giving Thanks - SJA, gen
Various writing chat ficlets - Torchwood, The West Wing
Random cracky ficlet for Solstice - Torchwood, gen
Light Sweetly Gleaming - Torchwood, gen
Crack crack crack - GDL/Tucker Mitchell Francis Wilson, GDL/Armless Hipster (unrequited), Barrowman/pumpkin
Various writing chat ficlets - Torchwood, Doctor Who

February: 12616
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover: Day 1 - SGA (John/Rodney), White Collar (El/Peter/Neal), Doctor Who (Mickey/Jake), The West Wing (Josh/Donna)
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover: Day 2 - TW (Gwen/Rhys), IPS (Marshall/Bobby D), VMars (Veronica/Lilly)
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover: Day 3 - IPS (Mary/Marshall), TWW (Sam/Will), SGA (Sam/Jeannie), TW (Jack/Ianto)
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover: Day 4 - TWW (Kate/CJ), DPS (Neil/Todd), SGA (Teyla/Kanaan)
50 Ways toe Leave Your Lover: Day 5 - DW (Rose/Mickey), Psych (Shawn/Gus), IPS (Brandi/Raph)
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover: Day 6 TWW (Josh/Sam), The Office (Oscar/Andy), IPS (Mary/Bobby D), SGA (Sam/Radek)
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover: Day 7 IPS (Mary/Raph), TWW (Charlie/Zoey), TW (Emily/Alice)
The Thirteenth Interrupted Pub Night - Torchwood, gen
This is the Start - Doctor Who/White Collar, gen

March: 1693
Friends Help You Move - Psych, Shawn/Gus
Hows and Whys - Torchwood, gen

April: 2041
The Name Game - Torchwood, Jack/Ianto

May: 4936
In Love, But Not At Peace - Torchwood, Jack/Ianto

June: 3880
Crack - Torchwood/Gallagher Girls, gen
Letter ficlets - Torchwood, Doctor Who, various pairings
In Which Neal Acquires Jeff Eastin's Wallet - White Collar, crack

July: 7265
Overflow - Torchwood, gen

August: 49669
Separation Anxiety: The Continuing Adventures of Club Wales - Torchwood, gen
$63,666 - White Collar, gen
Date Night - Torchwood, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto
We Expected Something More - The West Wing, Sam/Will
Song ficlets - Sherlock, The Hunger Games
Cardigan!verse Crack - Torchwood, Ianto, Owen

September: 20480
A Vision Too Removed To Mention - Torchwood, gen
the spine of your body and its bones - Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Various writing chat ficlets - Torchwood, White Collar, Criminal Minds
Order of Succession - Torchwood, gen

October: 2866
Wake-up Call - Torchwood/Doctor Who, gen
Tea and Sympathy - Torchwood, gen

November: 26643
The Joy of Cooking (or Gwen and the Big Huge Cooking Fiasco) - Torchwood, gen
Kindness of Strangers - Sherlock/Torchwood, gen
Random SPN ficlet for Becca - SPN, Dean/Castiel
Various ficlets - Torchwood, Criminal Minds, Sherlock, White Collar, Doctor Who
All My Uphill Clawing - Torchwood, gen
handholding ficlet - Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Normal Tuesday Night - Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Excerpt from Not!OT3 kidfic AU - Torchwood, AU, Jack/Ianto+Gwen

December: 9678
Excerpt from Toby's Bakery - The West Wing/Torchwood crossover AU, Sam/Will, Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Toby/Donna Noble
Jiggering and Jolleying - Torchwood, Ianto+Gwen gen
Three Winters - Doctor Who, Nine/Rose, Ten+Donna, Eleven(/?)Amy/Rory
Wish You Were Here - Torchwood, Gwen, Ianto, Jack, Owen, Tosh, gen+canon pairings
The World Spins Madly On - Torchwood, Gwen+Ianto, post-COE, gen
New Year's Eve Kiss 1 - Torchwood, Gwen+Ianto, gen
New Year's Eve Kiss 2 - Torchwood, Cardigan!verse, Ianto, Owen, Duarte
New Year's Eve Kiss 3 - Criminal Minds, Morgan/Garcia

cardigan_verse: 27352
Ianto responds to Owen's voicemail, 2/21
Ianto leaves Owen a voicemail, 2/26
Jack breaks up with Ianto, 2/26
Ianto gets pissed, Rhys lets him sleep it off, 2/27
Ianto makes up with Jack and Owen, 2.27
E-mail from Ianto to Owen, 3/1
Ianto on the afternoon of 3/3
Ianto takes Owen to the doctor, 3/4
Ianto gets food poisoning, 3/10
Ianto brings Owen cupcakes, 3/16
Ianto gets injured, Owen plays nursemaid part 1
Ianto gets injured, Owen plays nursemaid, part 2 with bonus Jack
Ianto's Diary, 3/27
Jack invites Martha to Ianto's, 3/29
Ianto's Diary, 3/31
Ianto and Gwen on a stake-out, 4/24
Ianto's Diary, 4/25
Ianto and Jack, 4/28
Team night out, Ianto is tipsy, 5/13
Ianto's Diary, 5/13
Ianto asks Jack for advice, 6/2
Ianto's Diary, 6/2

Overall Thoughts:
A lot of Torchwood, more than I would have even guessed last year, but still less than I wanted to. I wish I had some some more IPS or finished 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, but we didn't have cable for the IPS and it's the sort of show I watch on the teevee. I wish I had done some more TWW, but overall, I'm happy with the fact that I've produced so much. I need to do more writing chats! There will probably be one in the next couple weeks. I spent a lot of time writing stuff that's not finished/not posted, too.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?:
More, probably. I didn't entirely think that I'd stick around in TW fandom as long as I have. I certainly didn't think I'd write three stories over 14000 words in that fandom, but there you go.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Hm. I think I was fairly predictable. Oooh! I never thought I would write post-COE, but then The World Spins Madly On came to me fully formed.

Did you write anything in a new pairing/genre/fandom?
The stuff I wrote for 14valentines was in a bunch of new or at least different fandoms. I wrote Who and Psych, possibly for the first time? I can't remember. And probably some other stuff.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Gosh. Um, probably Seperation Anxiety, aka Club Wales II. I'd been working on it for a long time and it was fun! I wish there were more stories that were about Gwen and Ianto being both competent and stupid and kicking ass together.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Nothing that I can think of. There was stuff I was nervous to post for my own reasons, but nothing really "risky." Who knows.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Write more. Finish more. Finish my TW WIPs before S4 starts up. Finish that novel. Finish the WIP I'm working on with solsticezero. Peer pressure more people into writing the fic I want to read.

From my past year of writing, what was...

My best story of this year:
Hm. Probably A Vision Too Removed to Mention or In Love, But Not At Peace

My most popular story of this year:
Wish You Were Here, by far. Guys, I learned the secret to getting people to read your fic: put pictures in it.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Overflow. Probably because I was about two years too late as far as post-EW fics go, but I lived with this story for months and picked it apart and tried to make it better and there was a generally lackluster response, which is what happens when you write a gen post-ep for an episode that first aired years ago. Still, it touched a few people, and that does mean a lot to me.

Most fun story to write:
Wish You Were Here was a blast to put together, though it involved little actual writing XD

Story with the single sexiest moment:
None of them? I wrote no porn this year. Jack and Ianto are naked in bed together in the spine of your body and its bones?

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
The Kindness of Strangers. Initially, it was going to be a story about how Ianto feels retconning Sarah just because she saw something she shouldn't have in an attempt to spend more time with John, and it turned into... whatever it ended up being.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
cardigan_verse as a whole. I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT OWEN NOW, GUYS.

Hardest story to write:
All My Uphill Clawing was probably the hardest, physically, to write. I started it in September and wrote a whole bunch of different endings and scenes that I tossed out. The World Spins Madly On was the hardest to write emotionally, though the actually writing happened in only a few hours. Overflow was the hardest to edit into something worth reading.

Biggest Disappointment:
Light Sweetly Gleaming was not the story I wanted to tell, but it was for an exchange and I really wanted it to be done by the deadline, so I posted something that I KNOW was subpar. I wish I could have a do-over. I never even crossposted it, because I was that conscious of how rushed and bad it was.

Biggest Surprise:
I guess I'm both surprised and not surprised that cardigan_verse turned into what it did. I mean, it's me and Becca and we tend to beat horses until they're dead, then revive them just so we can beat them to death once again, but it's Owen and Ianto and... yeah. I'm surprised I wrote post-COE fic. I'm surprised how much straight-up Jack/Ianto with no Gwen that I wrote. I was REALLY surprised that I wrote a fic from Jack's POV, and that was hard for other reasons.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
The World Spins Madly On, definitely. It was worse in the first draft, when it was just Gwen ranting about how Jack gets to abandon the planet and throw everything away to grieve and run away, like the rest of them hadn't been hurt and off-kilter too. I... edited it a bit, but it's still very clearly my own feelings on Jack and COE and the way fandom treats Gwen and all sorts of things. I mean, most of my stories are telling in that I write the sort of things I love to read--humor, friendship, shenanigans, Ianto and Gwen, team-as-family, et cetera. But I think that's the most meta-as-fic of anything I posted. (The Club Wales S2 fill-ins are probably even more meta-as-fic, but I haven't posted those yet.)

Most Satisfying to Write:
Probably Separation Anxiety or the Not!OT3 AU, which I didn't post, but did write bits of. It's the ultimate in self-indulgence, but I frigging love it.

2do in the new year!
+ The Club Wales S2 fill-ins
+ Club Wales III: Road Trip!
+ Weird Dark Earth Abandonment fic!
+ Not!OT3 AU kidfic
+ Noir AU!
+ More cardigan_verse
+ The next Iowa story
+ Shit guys, I dunno, I have a lot of WIPs that need to be finished before summer

torchwood, meme, writing: meta, writing: fic, writing: meme, fandom, tww

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