how do I not have a Skulduggery Pleasant icon?

Dec 16, 2010 22:26

So, this entry is full of spoilers for the fic I just posted. It's not about writing int he COE timeline or even my ~*feelings*~ on the new development in fandom, so don't go clicking the cut looking to drown in meta. Nope, this entire post is about Skulduggery Pleasant and the crossover I want like candy.

So, obviously, if you're familiar with SP, the device Gwen is using in that fic is an echo stone. I know I kind of played fast and loose with some of the things we know about the echo stone, but in my head, Ianto didn't sleep with it, he just used it as a paperweight for like, three years (without knowing what it was), so things are a bit different.

But, man, guys, now all I want is a crazy AU where Gwen is like, "Fuck y'all and this popsicle stand!" and takes the echo stone and goes and has adventures with echo!Ianto. And, OF COURSE, they bump into Skulduggery and Val. And Gwen has a fling with Tanith. IT WOULD BE SO HOT OMG.

Seriously, Gwen all decked out in leather, with some kind of holster for the stone so that Ianto can just trail after her! And they fight bad guys! And maybe Gwen learns magic! Can you imagine Ianto trading sarcastic quips with Val and Skulduggery? BE STILL MY HEART.

Of course, there are like, four people on the internet who have read the SP books and also seen TW (I mean, in my social circle. The books are pretty big across the pond, so I imagine the number is exponentially bigger over there.), so it will never happen. BUT STILL. I WANT IT.

torchwood, ianto and gwen are besties, skulduggery pleasant, fic i'm totally not writing

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