prompts and stuff

Nov 17, 2010 21:14

Okay, internet, here's the deal: the rest of my office is in Miami for the rest of the week, so I'm manning the fort myself. I'll be sort of busy because a new paperwork thing came out this week, but I'm also the only person in my department, so there will be downtime and I can pace myself however I'd like.

Anyway, the point is, I want to write in my downtime and even though I have 394809234 WIPs, I'd like some prompts from you dudes. I'm on the cusp of a depressive episode and having trouble concentrating on longer things, so I'm hoping ficlets will keep the creative juices flowing even as my brain is starting to become too scattered to put sentences together.

SO. Comment on this post with characters/pairings + prompts. The prompt bit is crucial; if you just give me a character or a pairing, odds are I'll skip over it.

Leave as many as you want. I can't promise that I'll get to all of them, but I'd like as many options as I can get.

Here's a list of stuff I have been known to write:
Whoverse (Who, TW, SJA), The West Wing, Stargate Atlantis, Sherlock, White Collar, Psych, In Plain Sight. If you know I'm into something but it's not listed here, give it a swing. I'll just skip over it if I can't manage it.

fic: meme, writing: meme

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