mice, horror movies, procrastination, peanut butter

Oct 27, 2010 16:35

Hello, internet! Today is slightly better than yesterday. My head hurts less, for one.

Our landlord e-mailed mcwonthelottery yesterday and told us that an exterminator would be coming today. The crazy woman on the third floor had seen mice in her apartment. I already knew this, because when she called to ask about our laundry payment for the month, she talked about it. At length.

(There is a washer and dryer in the basement of our building. It is technically owned by the woman on the third floor and in order to use it, each tenant has to pay her $13 a month. Which is fine--$13 for a month's worth of laundry is fine, especially since we're really only paying $6.50 because she thinks we're a couple and I've never dissuaded her of this notion. But she's taken a shine to me and every time she calls I cannot fucking get her off the phone.)

Anyway. The mice. The e-mail said they'd be by in the morning, but didn't give a time, which meant that I dragged my ass out of bed at 8 after only three hours of sleep so I could be presentable when they showed up. My sleep-deprived brain couldn't focus on the words in books, so it's been a steady stream of horror movies ever since.

The guy finally showed up around 10:30. Apparently there are mice on the second and third floors, but none that he could see on our floor (the first floor). Where we leave food out all the time. So. Who knows.

pocky_slash: Terminex just left. They couldn't find anything in our place, but I guess there was a lot upstairs.
mcwonthelottery: well at least we're awesome
that's so weird though
like where are they getting in
we're on the ground floor, near the garbage, we leave food out
if anyone should have mice, let's be honest. it should be us
these mice are like 'we're fans of the HPC. we don't want to fuck your shit up. we're going upstairs.'
and we're all, 'thanks, mice!'
pocky_slash: It's true. The dude said that if [landlord] chooses to have them come in, they're going to do the whole building regardless, but still, he was pretty surprised XD
Oh man, Matt's going to try and train them and this is all going to end in tears.
mcwonthelottery: hahahahha


I started the morning with Halloween: 20 Years Later, aka Halloween H20. I forget how smart that movie is. I mean, it's a slasher movie, but it also tries to tell a coherent story without superfluous shots of tits and gore. There are funny parts! There are fucked up interpersonal relationships! It brings "final girl" to a new level, because the story is really Laurie Strode's story, from beginning to end. It chronicles her emotional journey. I think that's why I was so bent out of shape when they off-handedly retconed the whole thing in the next film in the franchise. Nor surprised, but upset.

Anyway, great film. Another great film? John Carpenter's The Thing. A fucking gross film, too. I had forgotten about that. Around the time they're like, "Let's look at these half imitated dogs!" I was suddenly remembered how creepygoreygross it is. But still awesome. Excellent ending. And great dialogue. "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!"

Next up, after a nap, was Friday the 13th. The original, of course. Another example of how you can have a good, creepy slasher flick and still have a solid plot. Teenagers die AND there's an actual narrative arc. WHO KNEW? I wish that more films followed that example. I mean, it can be done! The first of all three major franchises--Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street--are all great stories and great movies. It's the sequels that throw that to the wind and that make people think you only need dead, naked teenagers and a killer to make a good movie. Sigh. So much wasted potential.

Rosemary's Baby was after that--still creeptacular. Still always makes me crave chocolate mousse. Which is really shouldn't, but there you go. About a million years ago I was going to do Rosemary's Baby for reel_torchwood. I still have it half-written. Maybe someday I'll finish it. I'm a little afraid it will attract the wrong kind of attention (if it attracts attention at all). Though Gwen is the good guy and Jack and Ianto and Owen and Tosh are the bad guys, I sort of fear the, "That bitch got what she deserved!" reactions. Sigh. Fandom :(

Now I am watching The Nightmare Before Christmas! Let me tell you some things about my history with this film:
1. I saw it in theatres the year it came out, along with Brendan. I was eight, he was six. It's been SEVENTEEN YEARS, PEOPLE. I mean, really, seventeen years. I feel so old!
2. We fucking LOVED this movie. To death. Unfortunately, it was a HUGE box office flop and finding tie-in merchandise to appease our material-craving childish minds was next to impossible.
3. But we did have the soundtrack, which I played all the fucking time. However, when making a tape copy of the CD for my mom's car, I skipped "Sally's Song," so the soundtrack that I listened to n my walkman for most of my youth was incomplete. (I skipped it because, at eight, I wasn't into that pansy romantic bullshit. OH HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED.)
4. I'm not sure what caused the renaissance in appreciation for this movie in the past 3-5 years, but I'm not complaining. It's nice to see it getting the recognition I wished it got when I was a kid. And also, I now own NBC everything, just because I can. I'm making eight-year-old me happy, okay?
5. Most importantly, I can recite this entire fucking movie. WHO KNEW?

When mcwonthelottery gets home, we are watching 28 Days Later!


There are a million things I am supposed to be doing today. I can't be assed to do any of them. Which isn't good :\

quotes, cardigan central, movies, the harry potter closet, horror movies

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