A quick real life update before shit gets real

Oct 15, 2010 00:41


So, Not My Fandom Fest is going about eight million times better than I expected. Mostly because I expected it to be just me and mcwonthelottery entertaining ourselves. (ie: what 92% of our lives is already.) But no! Other people are playing! And enjoying themselves! And telling their friends! Tell YOUR friends!


Anyway, very quickly, two things:

1. Today I somehow kicked everyone else's ass at my temp gig. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT HAPPENED. It was doing something I am not great at, but luck was on my side, I guess. The dude in charge kept calling me "Super!Temp" and I got all nerdily happy with hearts in my eyes because I can only DREAM of being half as amazing as ♥ Donna Noble ♥.

2. Last night, for reasons that even I am not sure of, mcwonthelottery and I were discussing how we are just about at the cut-off age for understanding "Baby Jessica" references. I think it came up in reference to the Chilean miners? Anyway, this led to me looking up Baby Jessica on Wiki and discovering, among other things, that she gets a $1,000,000+ trust fund the day she turns 25, made up of donations people sent when she was stuck in the well.

This led to me e-mailing my parents at like, 1am saying this:

Did you know that Baby Jessica has a $1,000,000+ trust coming to her when she turns twenty-five, made up of donations people sent her family?

I'm just saying, if you had dropped me down a well when I was a baby, I wouldn't even need a job.

This is how my parents replied:

Dad: Who knew?

How you doing?
How is job hunting going?
Are you working regular as a temp?
is it cold up there yet?
we miss you!

Mom: damn...another missed opportunity

My parents, ladies and gentlemen.


Tomorrow I go back to NJ (I know, again) for daisy_moonstars' wedding! I am excited to see her and other people from my Bookstore days! I am excited to get dressed up nice! I am less excited to be leaving the apartment, because there's all this shit I need to do that I still haven't done. Oh well. I'll get to it eventually.

Good night, internet! :D

quotes, family stuff, cardigan central, work: temp

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