several things including (but not limited to): recs, recaps, job search, writing, knitting

Oct 05, 2010 18:38


I owe you a Banned Books Week wrap-up post. I will maybe write it later. I've started drinking, and if I do it now, it will devolve into yelling and shit and no one wants that.


First off, for those of you who just scan for fandom content and then move on, HERE'S A TORCHWOOD REC:

Be All My Sins Remembered by nancybrown - r - au team (jack, ianto, gwen, johnson, lois, martha) with canon pairings - action/adventure/relationship/stuff

nancybrown just posted the latest installment in her alternate season three and it is FUCKING AWESOME. I read it in bits and pieces while applying for jobs today (and waiting for a call that never came this morning) and it just about made my day. I love the team that she's crafted, the plausibility of their motives, the way they all fit together. She handles a major event in Gwen's life with just the right amount of weight, Martha's indecision about her future is spot-on, and she's developed Lois and Johnson both into very complex characters with their own motives and reasoning. The OCs who appear are all very vividly drawn and the subplot about Ianto's over-awareness of his own mortality has still stuck with me. Each character gets a moment to shine, while working their way into the larger story. Hell, even Mickey gets a brief appearance. There are parts I know are going to stick with me (omg, Ianto and the NOTE), which is always the sign of a job well done in my book :D

If you haven't read the rest of her season three, definitely take some time to do that, but this can be read on its own and it's definitely worth the time. This is the S3 I wish we had gotten - new team members trying to fit in, old team members trying to figure out where they stand, and, in between it all, aliens and temporal disturbances and all manner of Torchwood-y stuff.

(Also, make sure you check out the FABULOUS art by rexluscus!)


Okay, so, let's see. It's been a fun weekend here at Cardigan Central! On Saturday we cleaned all the things, because on Sunday, we had the first ever Knitting for Boozehags meeting!

It was fun! Jesus, let's see, it was me and Becca, plus paper_tzipporah, brilligspoons, chicleeblair, everaidenn, and a girl named Frankie I didn't know. Becca taught me how to knit and I did okay! There was a mega fuckton of food and liquor, most of which we've been making our way through ever since, but I think everyone had a good time. Fandom and crafting and real life discussions were had. Everyone generally got along! I explained Barrowman fucking a pumpkin to a roomful of people and only half of them looked at me like I was crazy.

We'll definitely be doing it again, which is awesome. I need to get better at knitting so I can first knit a million scarves for John Watson and then knit a friend for Gary. He needs someone to distract him from Mary Anne before he does something he'll regret. And by "he'll regret" I mean "Tucker and GDL will kill him for."

Also, we passed around our comic and everyone thought it was funny! Which, I mean, is to be expected--we're hilarious and awesome and everyone should love us, obvs. But still, you know, it was good. We're going to write a few more so we can have a backlog and then start posting it. I will be sure to keep you in the loop, flist, because it is COMIC GOLD.


Yesterday, after not getting a job, I decided to walk to the Cambridge Public Library to borrow my arch-rival Mark Gatiss' book. The Cambridge library is a FUCKING CASTLE. I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING. It was crazy town. A nice walk, though. About twenty minutes, which is the perfect amount of time to be out in this weather.

Anyway, after procuring the book, nosing around their Teen Lounge and Kids' room, and rolling my eyes at high school antics, I walked over to Bloc 11 for writing-related hangs with paper_tzipporah, brilligspoons, and mcwonthelottery. It was good times! Even if I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked. The general "blah"ness of the day didn't have me in a good writing headspace and I could not figure out how to get Gwen and Ianto to where I wanted them to be. Then I started to question whether or not Ianto would have the conversation with Jack that he needed to have if Gwen was in the room and that kind of destroys the entire story so... we'll see. It will definitely get written, because I think there are clear issues left over at the end of A Vision Too Removed to Mention that need to be tied up, but... you know. We'll see XD


Today looked a lot brighter on the job front thanks to you guys. It makes me feel so much better about my joblessness to know that I have a zillion people out there pulling for me. Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who've given suggestions and e-mails and called your friends and everything else. I don't know what I would do without you ♥ ♥ ♥

In less enthusiastic news, I spent AN HOUR AND THIRTY-FOUR MINUTES filling out an online application today. Yes, you've read that correctly. AN HOUR AND THIRTY-FOUR MINUTES. I basically had to fill in everything on my resume in little data windows. The entire thing was javascript, so I couldn't open anything in tabs, and I couldn't use the back button. It was HELL. My BRAIN hurts.

I immediately followed it up with gin. I have mellowed considerably since then.


I think that's just about it! This weekend, I'm going home to fetch my car and see my family (including quatredeathlady and Christine). On the way home is an Ingrid Michaelson concert with metonymy. The weekend after that, I'm going home again for daisy_moonstars' wedding! (I still have to figure out what dress I'm wearing.) Two weeks after that, there's a party at quatredeathlady's house! Becca has all sorts of things to do this month as well, so it's a busy time here at Cardigan Central. But exciting!

Anyway, back to drinking and writing and maybe teevee! Maybe I will eat dinner! WHO KNOWS?

torchwood, mark gatiss: my rival at everything, cardigan central, nicole, rec, job w0es, friends

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