People actually perform poetry, apparently. Like, out loud.

Sep 16, 2010 15:16

Still unemployed. I NEEEEEED A JOOOOOOB D: D: D:

Unemployment is making me crazy. And depressed. :(


Last night I met mcwonthelottery and brilligspoons at Bloc 11 for some social interaction and music. It was good times! And also ridiculous.

The evening started out with me explaining my epic Something in the Water fic which basically goes like this:

Owen decides to keep his snot baby. And raise it as a real baby. And there is snot everywhere in the Hub. And Ianto is like, apoplectic due to having to clean up the snot and keeps freaking out about how he's going to tell Jack and kill the snot baby and quit his job. So Owen retcons him every day so he'll forget his Jack-telling-baby-killing-quitting intentions. And then he rocks his snot baby to sleep.

Anyway, it's going to be brilliant. It's going to win all the fandom awards.

We were hanging at Bloc 11 to see this band called Box Five, but in order to see them, we had to sit through two other acts. The first was a generic-y dude singer/songwriter who wasn't anything special but wasn't horrible either. The second was... oh god, guys. There are no words. He was a poet? A touring poet performer? He kept talking about this tour he was going on, to read his shitty poetry. And then he read us his shitty poetry. His shitty poetry in the voice of Aretha Franklin's bizarre inauguration hat and in the voice of Beale Street as a whole. And he kept trying to be brilligspoons's friend because he liked her hoodie. It was so hard to keep from laughing hysterically at everything he did. Or punching him. He was all like, "I'm a feminist because I hate men and don't want women to sully their bodies with plastic surgery." Oh god, the punching I wanted to do.

I survived by texting Becca and Margaret repeatedly going, "Is this for real? Is this really happening?" Oh man.

So, after that mess, Box Five went on and they are THE CUTEST. Seriously. Their songs were good, their violinst was awesome, and their guitarist/keyboardist/frontwoman was ADORABLE. And super nerdy. I love everything about her. I want to kidnap her and make her be my best friend. Or girlfriend. We'd have adorable nerdy babies.

(I'm glad I wrote a whole huge paragraph about the dude I hated and only three sentences about the girl I loved. AWESOME.)


So, mcwonthelottery and I were sitting around earlier this week and Becca decided to look Chubs from Stonehenge Apocalypse up on IMDB. She discovered he was in the pilot of Criminal Minds, so I whipped out my DVDs and we proceeded to watch. Somewhere in the middle, I couldn't remember what Reid's PhDs were in, so Becca looked it up online, saw that there was a two-parter where he was kidnapped, tortured, and addicted to drugs by James Van Der Beek, and insisted we watch that part next. Which we did.

Now we are making our way through the series in order. We're maybe a third of the way through the first season? Oh, CriMinds. You are ridic and I love you.

(Also, Becca came up with the Morgan Corollary to the Serial Killer Window Rule: If you leave your window open at any time, even in the middle of the day, a serial killer WILL sneak inside and kill you. BUT, sometimes, instead of a serial killer, you get a Hot Guy. IT'S UP TO YOU WHETHER OR NOT IT'S WORTH IT.)

margaret, torchwood, cardigan central, concerts, criminal minds is the new ncis, fic i'm totally not writing

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