today can suck it + purse meme

Aug 23, 2010 18:31

So, today I checked my e-mail and had three job rejections. I sighed and applied to more jobs and felt sorry for myself and then went back to the fun part of the internet, where I began to tweet about how I had been rejected from three jobs. IN THE PROCESS OF TWEETING, I got another job rejection. ARGH MY LIFE D: D: D: D:

mcwonthelottery was having an even worse day than me, so I braved the icky weather to buy eggs and wine so I could make brownies and we could... drink wine. And be miserable sods.



kel_riley and blue_fjords did the purse meme. I LOVE THE PURSE MEME.

This is my purse.
(And my wine and Becca's guitar tuner and the book I read last night.)

This is the crap in my purse.
From L to R:
Nametag from The Bookstore, MetroCards + subway map, my house+car keys, a bag containing TR stickers from AMNH, a bunch of hair things (bands and clips), a black bag containing my iPod and headphones, sunglasses, a pen + sharpie, black and white notebook I write setlists in, lip gloss, key to my new car, movie tick stub for Rifftrax Live, playing card from a magic trick steventartick did for me, tissues, purple ribbon from I don't know what, blue ribbon + tag from the cookies they gave us at White Collar Paley event, a pile of receipts, blue pillbox, blister pack of midol, dino bobble head from harmonyangel, tweezers I just bought, Horton Hears a Who button from my Horton storytime like, three years ago, receipt for my bed, paper bag with notes on Toy Story 3 written on it, green notebook with extensive outline of Club Wales II, library information brochure, old paystubs, my wallet.

Normally there's also a book and my phone, but my phone is on the table and I finished the book last night. I don't want to start another one because OH MY GOD MOCKINGJAY TOMORROW! (hopefully!) Gary frequently resides in my purse as well, but he's been chillaxing on our fake table this week.



Guys. I know I don't have to say this, but I'm saying it anyway because I'm paranoid.


I am super worried that my book won't come tomorrow. I'm already staying off Twitter until I finish it because... omg. And if my book doesn't come tomorrow, I'll probably have to stay off the internet all together until I read it. UGH. I NEED THE INTERNET.

I also really need not to be spoiled.


Okay. More wine and dinner. Later, internet.

meme, cardigan central, hunger games, gary the dalek

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